Author Topic: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...  (Read 7832 times)

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Offline Nidhoggr

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Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« on: December 17, 2017, 06:07:43 pm »
I learned Kentucky is stupid lol.  The only place anywhere near me doing a range day ONLY was three and a half hours away.  I drive there and watch a five minute "range safety" video.  They then had me shoot a target while following instructions ("load gun", "lock bolt", etc) and shoot at a target with a 22.  I basically half-ass aimed and got in the 9 ring (at 22 feet if you don't do at least that while half assing you are doing it wrong).  I was told after it was a good shot and that you don't even actually hit the target to pass.

Then followed the fence crossing.  We didn't even cross a fence.  I stood on one side of a swinging partion to a desk and the guy hands me the shotgun.  I check it and say "got it".  I then hand it to him, he says "got it" and checks it, I walk through the partition, and he handed it back and I said "got it".  Done.  Said I executed the whole thing flawlessly and I got my Hunter Ed license.  It took two minutes or so to do the whole thing.

Is every state this ungodly easy?  This was almost one of those "why even bother to have the course if the basic requirement is don't point a gun at your own head" things.

My "let's get this over with" pot shot below.

Offline BowEd

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2017, 07:29:59 am »
A lot of it is just plain common sense.Too bad it was so far away.I was too old before they started coming out with the hunter safety courses.Never went through one,but a .22 will kill a person as quick as any gun if not handled properly.
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Offline Nidhoggr

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2017, 07:35:43 am »
A lot of it is just plain common sense.Too Bahd it was so far away.I was too old before they started coming out with the hunter safety courses.Never went through one,but a .22 will kill a person as quick as any gun if not handled properly.

Absolutely! A bb gun can kill too. Any tool or weapon must be handled with care. I more mean if that's all the range day is going to entail what's the point? You don't have to even hit the target, he literally demonstrates the test before you do it, talks you through it, and it's free. The classroom or online portions are 20 bucks give or take and if you do it online you can just jump to the tests and take them over and over till you pass. There is no point to it all is what I'm saying besides maybe the government getting some cash lol.

Offline DC

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2017, 10:51:41 am »
You got to remember that there are people out there that would walk around with the muzzle in their mouth if they weren't told differently.

Offline Nidhoggr

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2017, 11:22:24 am »
You got to remember that there are people out there that would walk around with the muzzle in their mouth if they weren't told differently.

Ah yes... I forgot the saying "Common sense ain't so common".

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2017, 06:04:02 pm »
Trust me, many states have a much more rigorous testing program. 

When I last took the Hunter's Safety Education Course here in SD it was with a youth mentored hunting program and I told the kid we were taking the class and the test together. If one of us didn't pass, we both were taking it again! (He passed first testing, but I think he missed getting 100% because he was rushing to be the first one done!)

The SD Youth Hunting Adventures staff tells all us mentors that we are encouraged (as in you dang well BETTER) take the test with your kid and that you better pay attention and study.  And yet, every year experienced hunters fail the test and embarrass the heck out of themselves in front of their youth partner.  Half the course is safety rules based on long term studies of hunter accidents and the other half is hunter ethics.

You got to remember that there are people out there that would walk around with the muzzle in their mouth if they weren't told differently.

And then there are those that will do this precisely because you TOLD THEM NOT TO!
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Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2017, 08:26:00 pm »
A lot of it is just plain common sense.Too bad it was so far away.I was too old before they started coming out with the hunter safety courses.Never went through one,but a .22 will kill a person as quick as any gun if not handled properly.

You are right about the .22 Ed.  A classmate of mine in high school was accidentally killed by another classmate shooting a .22.  One split second of not paying attention ended a life that day.
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Offline Pappy

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2017, 04:47:40 am »
Tennessee is an all day thing or 2/ 3 hour evening and half day Sat. on a range shooting. Pretty involved. I didn't have to have it but took it anyway with Beau when he came of age, also need it for a lot of states if you want to go somewhere else and hunt. ;)
Even had a short insert of bow safety.
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline Nidhoggr

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2017, 10:26:37 pm »
Tennessee is an all day thing or 2/ 3 hour evening and half day Sat. on a range shooting. Pretty involved. I didn't have to have it but took it anyway with Beau when he came of age, also need it for a lot of states if you want to go somewhere else and hunt. ;)
Even had a short insert of bow safety.

In Kentucky you can do the entire classroom portion online.  Knocked it out pretty fast (meaning in about an hour as I just did the quizzes when it was a familiar topic) and then did my range day. 

A lot of it is just plain common sense.Too bad it was so far away.I was too old before they started coming out with the hunter safety courses.Never went through one,but a .22 will kill a person as quick as any gun if not handled properly.

You are right about the .22 Ed.  A classmate of mine in high school was accidentally killed by another classmate shooting a .22.  One split second of not paying attention ended a life that day.

I am terrible sorry for your loss.  I have known of instances like that around here.  To me it boggles my mind why when handling any form of weapon or tool people get careless.

Offline Chief RID

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2018, 03:56:47 am »
I am glad you clarified that there was a written exam. That part is the time consuming part and most folks that have to sit through and have been mentored and hunted know most of what is in the written test but for those that do not the material has to be taught. Lots of states are going to a online format. specific state requirements are important and usually included in the training. It is not good that you had to travel a long way for the important firearm training part. Hunter ed. has been a big help, safety wise, for reducing hunting accidents and I hope it continues to be effective. It does require a time commitment and that alone eliminates some people that none of us want to be in the woods with.

Offline jeffhalfrack

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2018, 07:47:40 pm »
I'm sure glad you are in Kentucky ! ,,,,,,,,,I lost a best friend to a hunting accident ,,,,it was a young hunter ,,that made the mistake ,,,,with all due respect ,,,your attitude could use some improvement . Unless I read this the wrong way ,don't expect an apology ,,from me good luck Jeff w

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2018, 11:52:12 pm »
Been teaching Hunter Ed in Colorado since 1980.  It is required if you were born after 1January 1949.  I teach mostly small classes and prefer youth oriented groups.  The course is designed to emphasize safety.  The program is credited with reducing firearms related incidents by about 90%.  The online portion of the "academics" is in keeping with modern learning processes, and allows greater numbers to experience the training.  We generally have Internet Conclusion" classes available almost every weekend within a reasonable distance(out here, that about 100 miles, or so).  We now allow veterans and experienced Hunter's to test out.  All the states meet guidelines established by the International Hunter Education Association, are reviewed periodically.  Also, you may have gotten caught in the midst of a system wide ammo shortage that only let up this spring.  FYI, in order to hunt certain federal areas, you must have a hunter d cad, regardless of age.  Sorry for the long drive, but you got your card.  Hunt safely!  Personally, I believe there should be a mandatory refresher course every 5 years, especially for Hunters over  40! They tend to forget things!
Hawkdancer, Hunter Ed Instructor
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Offline Parnell

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2018, 12:42:26 pm »
I took the Florida course about 10 years ago and thought it was a very valuable course.  My range day wasn't so far away, thankfully.

It was pretty involved.  3 separate class days...2 evenings and a Saturday and then the range day we qualified archery, bolt action, and I believe shotgun?  It was a very good experience.  I especially thought being able to ask a fish and wildlife officer questions was great.

Offline Tracker0721

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2018, 01:56:32 pm »
I believe we should have a much better hunters ed and some sort of firearm safety. I took hunters ed when I was 8. It took a week after school, had homework, hands on rifles/shotguns/pistols/muzzleloader/bow and we shot everything at the end. Also had multiple trips up the hill to learn and show safety while walking and with vehicles. Also did a bunch on shoot or don’t situations and animal ID.

Fast forward to last year my girlfriend got hers. She did the online class in a few hours. Signed up for a field day and we went there. I corrected the old guy teaching the class on multiple laws he had wrong. I had him take an antique shotgun out of his rotation due to the firearm having an illegal barrel length and no serial numbers. They did a written test in 10 minutes and he passed everyone. Wrong answers and all. They did a hands on tell calibers, show handling, etc and the guy said “I’m an archer so I’m not sure about all this”. Couldn’t even find the caliber on one or tell if it was a rifle or shotgun. I made my thoughts on this guy well known and he’s still teaching classes. Classes are total jokes. I’m gonna get my cert to teach one day so at least some people will learn the correct laws and how to safely handle firearms.
May my presence go unnoticed, may my shot be true, may the blood trail be short. Amen.

Offline Nidhoggr

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Re: Officially got my hunters ed done today and man...
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2018, 03:36:22 pm »
That's about how I feel about it.  I've been using firearms for years and bows for years.  It made me very uneasy knowing people are permitted to hunt and will point guns indirectly at me in the woods while I am hunting and have virtually no idea what they are doing.