Hey, so this one has been a learning process for me. It's got its flaws; mostly the bottom limb is a bit weak I think, and I over did it making the top limb longer. Bear in mind the FD photo is angled. Here are some photos. I Should really get a better target.

Full Draw

I glued on some cork from a sanding block for a small handle and tiny shelf, and I used a small piece of suede as a side-plate. Draws and shoots very quiet and smoothly!

In my estimation, at ~15-20# lighter draw than my longbow, it shoots just as fast if not faster. I find it easier to aim as well, but maybe that's because of arrow spine.
And here it is next to my longbow.

So here's a note to any city-dwellers like me, you really can make bows anywhere. I live in a small inner-city apartment, with no yard, and I carry a small bucket of tools to the outdoor area or my parking space.