I just finished a black cherry with hickory back this morning. 71" nock to nock 60#@28", I was going for 70# but I tapered the ourside limbs a bit too much when I roughed it out. I roughed out out at 1 3/8 wide and after refinements came in a 1 5/16 wide. Upon finishing the bow I found it was slightly short of hitting the 5/8 longbow ratio and had to slightly narrow it to 1.2" to meet the ratio requirement, this dropped it to 57#@28". I started off with 1 3/4" reflex glued up as a full even radius ( important) The bow finished with 1 1/8" reflex. Mass weight was 17.2 0z. It cast a 500 grain broadhead drawing under 27" 212 yards. I was very happy with it.
As for your bow, I would not waste my time with a paper back, cherry is very poor in tension. A very thin backing of ash, maple, even oak would work fine. My favorite hunting bow for many years was a red oak backed cherry.