Hi guys,
Iīm planning to build a wych elm warbow for a friend. The bow should have a draw weight of about 140lbs @30.
Some days ago, I cut an alpine wych elm and now I have some nice staves with really good growth rings. Do you think it will be ok, if I reduce the wood close to the aproximate dimensions of the bow and let it dry for some months until there is no more weight loss? Or should I wait for two years? My friend waits eagerly for the bow...
My next question is, what dimensions I should use. According to an article from the website of warbow wales, there is a bow from the Mary Rose made of wych elm. The bow is quite broad and flat compared to the yew longbows (4,2 x 2,98 cm in the middle). But the most striking fact is the short length of 171 cm. The bow has seemingly been a bit longer originally, because the bowtips probably have been cut away at some point after its discovery in 1840. The diameter at the cut ends is about 16,5 cm. Which original length of the bow would you expect? Itīs possibly still shorter than the yew bows, isnīt it? Do you have any idea, why it was constructed shorter? Should I use the same length for my bow or would you recommend to make the bow a bit longer?