"Antelope carcasses shold be cut and wrapped for the freezer within 3 days after the kill. This short aging period helps prevent the "liver-like" or "mushy" texture often found in antelope meat." B.S.! I have typically hung antelope a week to two weeks at the 34-38 degree temp range and I have never had mushy or livery meat.
The rest of the article is pretty much spot on. Like the author and others have said, I have had the WORST luck cutting up a deer same day. Even the ground meat was so tough you couldn't hardly get a fork into the gravy!
All told, aging game is a wonderful way to get the absolute best from it. Even my game birds get aged, grouse and pheasant get aged up to a week in the bottom of the fridge before gutting, plucking, and washing. Two caveats, and you better make note of these because if you don't you can kill yourself with salmonella: 1) no wet birds, not even damp. Dry feathers only! 2) No heavily shot up birds. If they are chewed up by getting peppered by three people hitting at once, you might wanna just carve that one up same day for making stir fry!