Checked into an ad on CL a few months back about Osage firewood. Landowner was removing a bunch of Osage trees, I talked them into topping the trees and letting the main trunks stand. Went to score some yesterday.
I jokingly scolded the guy for false advertising when I got there because the trees were enormous. Luckily, I brought equipment and we got to cutting and splitting. I had my Stihl 038 Mag with a 24" bar buried in a couple of the trunks. It ate through it like butter and hardly flinched at the load. Going back next weekend for more.

My ends are sealed well with wood glue and I've got my pieces stacked bark side up. Anyone think I should cover with a tarp or leave them as is? I'm in Ohio, so the weather is mild, and I don't have much issue with bugs. Though, I'm going to spray them anyway, to be on the safe side. Thanks.