I've been shooting this yew bow quite a bit, just trying to get the final tiller dialed in. it was 53" NtN, 55 lbs @ 26". it had a nice kink at a knot in the upper limb, or in these photos, the lower limb,with what looked like a section of rot on the belly side which looked really neat.
I use my phone to take full draw pics, it takes 10 rapid photos. I thought I would shoot it upside down to see how it looked when flipped. Just a recommendation, not a good idea once you have reached full draw on such a short bow. I reached full draw as the camera starting taking pictures, and this one piece of yew, turned to 5. All I could do was smile and laugh. The limbs gave out in everywhere. I can't tell where the break initiated, but it broke at the knot and at the thickest part of the fades.