Author Topic: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.  (Read 6106 times)

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Offline Archeryrocks

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hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« on: August 27, 2017, 04:08:07 pm »
If you've read my posts before you may know that I'm new to hunting... yes I'm almost 30 and have not yet taken a large game animal. My wife and I have muzzle loader buck tags for later this season. And I was given a mitigation doe tag any legal weapon. I'm attempting to fill this tag with traditional archery equipment. I've gone to the property twice and I've seen deer and gotten within 20 yards multiple times. I've attempted 4 shots one I shot low. Second I hit a little dry branch about 3inches in front of my arrow that I didn't see.which directed the arrow over the deers back. 3rd was a 10 yard shot from a blind shot high, same deer went around a thicket of hawthorn into my second shooting lane at 20 yards and I shot and she stepped forward two quick steps and my arrow went behind her. I know that on a target at 7 yards I can put 3 arrows touching on the target. And at 20 yards I can put 3 arrows within a 6 inch group consistently. Am I just experiencing "buck fever" and therefore messing up my shots? I feel like there's a lot more to pay attention to when hunting vs target shooting. Any experience or tips would be appreciated.

Offline Pat B

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2017, 05:22:17 pm »
Forget everything else and just concentrate where the arrow WILL go. Don't think about your form, don't think about your draw and anchor and release, just concentrate on the spot and let your brain direct your muscles. When I first see my quarry I take a deep breath, calm myself then concentrate on the spot. If you have practiced good form, draw, anchor and release your brain will take over so all you have to do is concentrate on where the arrow WILL go.   :OK
Best of luck on your hunt.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Archeryrocks

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2017, 07:09:38 pm »
Thanks Pat, I was feeling kind of deflated as I feel like I've put the work in and the fruits of that labor were less than expected.

Offline bjrogg

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2017, 08:56:09 pm »
I made a poor shoot at a poor angle on my first attempt. It was a doe right under me, I had to lean out to see her. When I shot I was splitting my attention between trying to watch what the deer was going to do and the spot I wanted to hit. That's where my arrow went right in between.
      The second attempt I was standing on the ground. I had very little cover . I stood perfectly still, three finger on the notched arrow and watched my buck walk towards me down the path. When he got to about 30 yards I quit looking at him and just burned a hole in that spot. Just like Pat says, just concentrate on that spot. There comes a time you just have to switch from watching everything around you to just watching that spot.
       It's different shooting at a deer shape than a target to. You also want to get the best angle shots you can to. Facing quartering away really helps.
      Today I put up a tree stand and my buddy came out with me. I'm hoping I know right where I want to shoot a deer in four different spots from this stand. Three are about 12 yards and nice angles, one is about 21 yards. I had my buddy move my target around and pass my arrows back up to me. I really liked the way the practice shots felt, very comfortable.
      Lots of things you can do to help. Practice shooting from different positions, standing, sitting leaning around trees. If your hunting from a stand practice from it. I think the most important is what Pat said, watch that spot. It's the only thing in the whole world that matters at that moment.
Good Luck, and Happy Hunting.
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Offline Chief RID

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2017, 04:23:05 am »
Aim small - miss small. No truer words ever spoken when it comes to hunting.

Offline Pappy

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2017, 07:26:25 am »
Yep a lot different shooting at a target than at a live critter, you just have to focus on the shot at hand, I try and think the only reason I am excited it the hopes of taking the animal home and if I don't stay focused that ant going to happen, :o  so their is no need to be excited until the shot is over, thinking this way really helps me with the buck fever thing. Stay at it, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. It is quite a challenge and accomplishment to take a deer with Trad/Primitive gear, the more you hunt and the more critters you have close encounters with the easier it will be to focus on the shot. I still get excited and when that stops I will stop but I have managed to get excited but still be able to keep in under control, at least most of the time. ???  Good luck and pick a spot.
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline BowEd

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2017, 09:32:57 am »
Seems confidence is an issue here.When I first started to shoot from the stands I would practice those of course but even as I went to a stand with broadheads to actually hunt I would take a few field tipped arrows with me.After getting into the stand I would pick a spot and shoot.Hitting them made me feel good.Leaving them till I came out of the stand.
What was said all hold true.Pick that sweet spot and focus on only that.Nothing else in your mind.It'lll happen!
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Offline Pat B

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2017, 10:16:30 am »
Also, concentrate on every animal you see even if you don't plan on taking that shot. It will get you used to seeing the animals so you don't get buck fever too bad.
 Also, take your first best shot. If it is in range and your target is unaware don't wait for a better shot that might not happen.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline nclonghunter

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2017, 08:20:45 pm »
When I was younger I shot at several deer and did exactly what you described. Shot over, shot under or hit branches. I was sitting in a blind and a small buck came to a scrape at 15 yards. I shot and the deer dropped allowing the arrow to go over it instead of a hit. I grabbed my bow by the limb and began a swing to wrap it around a tree. I stopped short of hitting the tree and gathered my wits again. For a second I was furious!!! I sat down and decided to wait until dark to meet back with my hunting friends at the truck. Two hours later the same buck returned on the same trail and again stopped at the scrape. I shot and centered it!!! The deer ran and a short track to recovery. After that I began hitting deer on a regular bases. I have always felt I had to pay my dues of sorts and earn that first deer. Some things come easy to some but others it comes harder. If you love it, dont give up and dont wrap your bow around a tree!!!!!
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Offline Archeryrocks

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2017, 01:38:02 am »
Thank you all for your encouragement. I know each miss has been a learning experience and I'm excited to continue to try this adventure.

Offline Chief RID

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2017, 06:41:23 am »
The misses for me are remembered in great detail. I am not sure of this but I remember being very confident with the compound bow and shooting deer because of watching all those videos back in the 80s. I remember being assured as a deer snuck or broused through the wood, that I was attuned to his body language and what I needed to do to prepare for the shot. Because of watching all that footage of deer I could imagine just how a deer would probably act and react as it approached my stand. I think this helped me a lot.

Offline BowEd

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2017, 08:19:31 am »
An old bow hunting friend told me.Just get on the board Ed.I did I shot a yearling first and after that more and more were a lot easier.
You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.

Offline H Rhodes

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2017, 09:43:56 pm »
It still jacks me up after all these years.  I get all excited and live for that feeling every year.  To kill a deer, I have to make my ambushes ridiculously close and even then, when I decide that I am going to shoot, I have to stop myself from thinking about it as a deer.  I pick a tuft of hair or a "spot" that I want to put an arrow through and then I shoot that spot.  I am shooting a spot, not a deer.  It can be a deer again after it is down.  If I don't get myself under control enough to make the shot in that fashion, I can't hit one to save my life.  I don't know if any of that makes sense, but that is how I think about it when a shot presents itself.  It isn't a heck of a lot different from shooting a 3D target if you can get your mind wrapped around that concept.  If you launch an arrow in the general direction of the target, God knows where it is going to land.  If you pick a tiny little spot in the center of the center of the ten ring, and shoot at that with complete focus - chances are you are going to hit it pretty good.  It is dang sure an exercise in self control.  I can't wait for October!!
Gautier, Mississippi

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2017, 12:09:38 pm »
hunting shots are difficult... dont be so hard on yourself,,
the only way to practice a hunting shot,, is to shoot a hunting shot,
you are always a bit out of position,, and dont realise it,,
so practice shooting from out of postition alot,,
dont shoot to quickly,, take your time, and you will connect,,
it just takes experiencen and practice ,,,

keep your shots close as well,, it raises the odds of success,,

one thing that really helped me,, is I raised my anchor so the tip of the arrow was on spot I wanted to hit,,

high anchor and long arrow ,, 20 yards was dead on,, I killed quite a few deer like that,, :)

my shorter bows would not do that,, but I had killed enough deer that I had the confidence to shoot well withi any bow by then,, sometimes no anchor at all on the short draws,,,,, that just came from lots of practice and experience,,

I will add that if you go back in your mind to the shots you missed,, you have probably not practice that shot much,,
standing squared to the target, with you feet in perfect position,, does not prepare you for a hunting shot,,
go back,, remember the shots you missed,, and practice that shot,,
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 02:00:06 pm by bradsmith2010 »

Offline lebhuntfish

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Re: hunting vs target shooting what am I doing wrong.
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2017, 01:54:21 pm »
A lot of great advice given here from some experienced hunters/shooters/Bowyer's. 
The only thing I could add is to practice practice practice. And when opportunity shows its self all you have to do is stay calm and wait for the shot to be presented. 
I practice at a lot of different angles as well as standing,  sitting on my hunting stool,  kneeling, and sitting learned up against a tree.  All are positions that I hunt in.  I don't use a tree stand so I don't bother.  But I do stand in the back of my truck and shoot down an a target.  (I hunt a couple of Creek beds about that deep that the deer parallel on)
Practice how you hunt and imagine your practice target instead of the quary while you are wanting for your opportunity. While target shooting I imagine the target being a deer and practice my inconspicuous drawing so when im in the field I don't have to change a thing. 
Last but not least,  practice with your hunting clothes on because that is what you will be wearing in the field.  I think this is as much as of importance as shot placement.  Just because you can shoot ok in your back yard dosent mean you can do it with three layers of clothes on and a coat.  Pull an old army sick over you bow arm coat sleve.  It will help keep your fluffy coat out of the way.  Also,  learn to shoot with gloves on,  I know this sounds trivial but it is different,  a gloved hand feels different on your handle as well as the string. 
When I hunt I use camo leather finger gloves and I bring my shooting glove along with me.  If its warmer I wear the shooting glove.  If its to cold I just wear the camo glove.  Im only planning to make one shot (maybe two) while hunting.  Comfort is a big thing with me while hunting.  If your not comfortable then you can't shoot good either.  Hope this helps. Good luck and as always be safe and know your game laws.   

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