Author Topic: I wanna be more accurate  (Read 6986 times)

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Offline alwayslookin

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I wanna be more accurate
« on: June 01, 2017, 04:32:36 pm »
Hey guys I have been making some bows and I really want to get better at accuracy. I know that it comes down to the arrow. Give me some tips tricks that have helped you.  Say im using a 50 lb bow with 1 inch handle width. Do you guys do better with longer arrows? do you cut them to draw length? Does the spine change when you cut a arrow down? what size and shape feathers have you found work best? nock height? brace height? Also when adding a heavier point do you up the spine?
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Offline BowEd

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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2017, 07:28:22 pm »
Generally with B50 string at a 5.5" inside handle brace height 5#'s less spine then your draw weight you are shooting.Shortening a shaft an inch increases the spine 5#'s and visa versa.25 grains added to the tip reduces the spine app. 5#'s and visa versa.Feathers are a matter of choice.Usually 5" long and a proud 1/2" tall.
The shafts do not need to be at your exact draw length either.It's all a matter of the spine.
This all still will not garauntee accuracy.Your form needs to be consistent.It takes a lot of practice to accurately shoot a self bow.We all are in the same boat about that.Don't get completely discouraged.A happy medium will be gotten.
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Offline alwayslookin

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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2017, 08:09:57 pm »
Generally with B50 string at a 5.5" inside handle brace height 5#'s less spine then your draw weight you are shooting.Shortening a shaft an inch increases the spine 5#'s and visa versa.25 grains added to the tip reduces the spine app. 5#'s and visa versa.Feathers are a matter of choice.Usually 5" long and a proud 1/2" tall.
The shafts do not need to be at your exact draw length either.It's all a matter of the spine.
This all still will not garauntee accuracy.Your form needs to be consistent.It takes a lot of practice to accurately shoot a self bow.We all are in the same boat about that.Don't get completely discouraged.A happy medium will be gotten.
Ok thank you. So when i order shafts(yes i know ) and i get them spined at say 45 and they are full length when i cut it down it will increase the spine quite a bit from 32 inch to 28 inch
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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2017, 10:14:56 pm »
Not exactly.Spine is tested on a 26" distance of the shaft even though it may be 32" long.Hard to understand I know but that's the way it is.How long of a draw length do you have?
I would get your 45# spine arrows.Cut them to your length and shoot them with a 125 grain field tip.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2017, 10:19:30 pm by Beadman »
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Offline Pat B

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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2017, 11:39:43 pm »
When you buy spined arrows they are spined for a 28" arrow with a 125 gr. point. The formula Ed suggested is how you can adjust the effective spine of the arrow that is longer or shorter than 28" with a head that is over or under 125grs.
 I draw 26" but cut my arrows at 30". I like longer arrows for the extra physical weight plus I think a longer arrow gets around the bow easier. 
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2017, 06:19:12 am »
I do like Pat, I have a 25" draw. For me long arrows have advantages. I like a heavy shaft for hunting, not only does the extra length give you more weight. It also decreases your effective spine allowing you to shoot a heavier spined arrow shaft. I think a longer arrow "steers" better also. It takes less fletching to do the same amount of steering because it has more leverage. I'm interested in good hunting type arrows though so someone shooting longer distances may like a different type arrow than me.
Like Ed said, the arrow is very important but so many other things are to. I like to just pick up one really good shooting arrow and really try to put that one where I want it. Really concentrate on your form and release. If you shoot one arrow good its way better than a dozen so so. It also takes a lot of the variables out and your arm won't get tired as fast. That's what works for me, maybe it'll help you to. Good Luck and keep shooting and working on that form. Another thing I always do is shoot my arrows before I fletch them, this is a real eye opener.
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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2017, 08:19:42 am »
Form is the most important, IMO. You have to have a repeatable, consistent shot to be a consistent shot. Arrows are a close second. Even poorly matched arrows will wobble and wag their way close to where you are looking.
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Offline aaron

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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2017, 10:55:34 am »
yes, spine is important, as discussed. And form too, as discussed. I will also add that aiming method is important. I don't want to start a discussion of what "instinctive" shooting is, but let me say that when I switched from instinctive to gap shooting, my accuracy got better. With gap shooting, you use the point of the arrow like a sight. You don't nececarily put the point on the target, but rather you leave a gap between the point and target. The size of the gap varies with range. For example, when I shoot at 10 yards, I put the point of the arrow 1 foot below the bullseye. When I shot at 20 yards, I put the point about 6 inches below. This method has eliminated my wild misses.
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Offline DC

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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2017, 12:35:37 pm »
Strange as it may sound I took 2 weeks off for chores, never shot an arrow. When I started again I'm shooting better than I ever have. We'll see if it lasts.

Offline Pat B

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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2017, 01:09:38 pm »
I've noticed that also, DC. I think the time off has eliminated some of the "trash" accumulated over time and you get back to your basics.
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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2017, 01:15:36 pm »
Same here. I hadn't shot in at least 6 weeks prior to Marshall. Granted I didn't set the world on fire, but shot better than when I practice a lot. Before I hated golf, it was the same way for me in that arena.
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Offline alwayslookin

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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2017, 01:34:00 pm »
Thanks alot guys for all the quick responses. I will have to look into gap shooting always have done a quick snap shot. My draw is 27 i think whats the best way to find out your draw length?
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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2017, 01:39:58 pm »
I grab an arrow and clip a clothes pin on it. Then draw the bow fully. The clothes pin will slide up the arrow until it hits the front of your riser, that's your draw length. If you have a helper around you can simply draw fully and have somebody mark that front edge for you.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2017, 03:35:21 pm »
Strange as it may sound I took 2 weeks off for chores, never shot an arrow. When I started again I'm shooting better than I ever have. We'll see if it lasts.
That's another reason I like to shoot one arrow. I do think at least for me if I just start shooting a bunch of arrows I don't concentrate on each shot like I do one at a time. Shooting so-so a lot just reinforces bad habits for me. Aaron I say whatever works for you is great. I'm all for whatever makes a person shoot better and more confident. I believe my subconscious probably does something similar to what your saying. To many shooters way better than me using that method to put it down for sure.
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Offline alwayslookin

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Re: I wanna be more accurate
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2017, 10:56:57 am »
I grab an arrow and clip a clothes pin on it. Then draw the bow fully. The clothes pin will slide up the arrow until it hits the front of your riser, that's your draw length. If you have a helper around you can simply draw fully and have somebody mark that front edge for you.
Perfect that's a cool trick thank you!
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