65" tip to tip
58# @ 28", tillered to 29"
Hickory with linen backing and carp skins
Maple riser and curly maple limb tips
beaver tail arrow rest and dark leather stitched handle
FF string
finished in a dark walnut stain with 4 heavy coats of water-based Gloss poly.
Hello everyone, I am extremely proud to show this thing off. I have been into bow building/primitive archery for approx. 3 years now, and I have always dreamed of building a static recurve. So after a couple successful bows and loads of failures, I decided it was time to try a recurve.
The only power tools used for this build were a bandsaw, bench sander and a heat gun, everything else was all done with files, rasps, a draw knife, sandpaper and a scraper. This bow was made from a regular sawn hickory board. This was the first bow that I put my heart into and decided I was going to make it as good as my skills allowed. In all the project took me 2 months and roughly 60-70 hours to build.
It gave me some fits, including a splintered recurve which I patched, along with having to use the heat gun to get good string alignment.
NOTE TO SELF: make sure you are bending the tips the correct way!! This dummy messed up and bent one of the tips further the wrong direction! I had to have 2 more heat bending secessions to bring it in to where it needed to go.
The carp skins came from a fish that I shot several weeks ago out of the spillway below my house. The skins were pretty small for the bow, so I ended up cutting the skins into strips. I really like how the dark skin transitions into the lighter belly skin.
I am very proud of how this bow turned out. It did take a little more set then i was hoping for, but it still shoots fine. In the future I will add reflex to the limbs. But for my 4th successful bow I am not complaining!
Enjoy SS

Here is the transition between dark and light skin

Unbraced after shooting

And the money shot!!! As you can see the statics are opened up nicely at a 29" draw.