Author Topic: Planned 1st bow build  (Read 3276 times)

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Offline stash59

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Re: Planned 1st bow build
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2017, 01:07:02 pm »
Forgot I was going to mention thanx for all of the tips and advice in my last post. Now, that includes all who replied since my last post also.

Hopefully I can keep pecking away at my to do list. So I can start a board bow. Just think a pyramid board bow looks cool. Broke down and ordered a small bench vise today. Gonna try and get the materials for my workbench soon.

Offline stash59

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Re: Planned 1st bow build
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2017, 08:57:10 am »
Wow where'd the time go. Been 2 months. Lots of irons in the fire. Been slowly working on my bow building/wood working bench. Been feeling better so I've been getting in some scouting for deer and turkey. My season for turkey is 5/24-31. Don't hate me people but my weakness has gotten a little worse so I'm using my xbow.

Plan on taking the roughed staves off of the form today. Any tips for checking moisture content without a instrument? I forgot to weigh them before I cinched them down.

I did buy a red oak board to try a pyramid board bow. I hope I picked a usable one. I got pretty tired picking through a couple of the stacks and kinda settled on one. It's 6" wide so I can pick the best area on it.

Wish me luck!!

