I pruned some Buddleia (aka Butterfly bush) back in 2014, a straight but knotty length seemed worth saving but not very promising.
Anyhow I made it up into a quick bow to see what it would do. It has coarse bark a central pith and regular big knobbly knots (looks a bit like Elder)
Target weight 40# at about 24-15"
Well I got it to 40# at 23" , I'd been working to reduce the right limb and it still needed easing off a bit more when... it exploded, breaking at a lumpy knot where bunches of leaves sprout out.
The tiller was still work in progress, the grip could have bent a bit more and the right limb needed easing off a tad.
Here's a link to the video with slo mo at the point of breakage, you can hear it go and see the limb bulge up (left limb) at about 1:13 if you are impatient!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfrpNkQME04AROOGAH ARROOOGAH sarcasm alert:-
I think this is conclusive proof that Budleia is sutable for 100# Warbows

(baaaad kitty
