So,this is actually my second attempt at making a bow. My first attempt was a piece of red maple that ended up like this:

So that was depressing, but I kept coming back to these forums and looking at bows...and I gave it another shot.
I went up the mountain and located some good trees, trying to find the best one. I eventually chose a sugar maple that appeared to be in poor health. However, it was very straight near the bottom and roughly 7 inches in diameter, so I chopped it. I broke it into staves and brought them back home. When I got back, I picked the straightest of them and stuck it above the ceiling panels near the propane heater for about 2 weeks. I had already started chasing a ring and was about halfway through when I learned that it wasn't really necessary to do so with whitewoods. I finished it anyways, and went from there. I didn't have a specific type of bow in mind; I just had a general shape in mind. Therefore, I don't really know what type of bow this would be categorized as. It's about 62" NTN, and probably no more than 35#. (I don't have one of those poundage tester things, so that's just an estimate.) I also made my own string because I'm too cheap to buy one.
Here it is at 28" draw.

I sorta made a tiller tree, but I didn't trust it. I ended up just flexing it by hand and looking for stiff spots, and did my best to work them out. Let me know how it looks.
It seemed to take some set, so I figured I'd may as well learn how to recurve tips.

I also had a recent rabbit hide that was pretty torn up, but I managed to salvage two pieces from it and add "decoration".

I burned in some maple leaves, because why not.

It has two coats of tung oil and some poly on it.
Overall, it shoots straight enough, although there is still some slight limb twist and the string could probably be better aligned. Still, I'm happy with it as my first bow, and it will definitely not be my last.
Let me know what you think, and I'll take any advice/criticism!