When all else fails, read directions:). When it comes to shooting, Put my first arrow down range in 1947, did not know there was anything except wood bows until 1957, when I got a fiberglass Actionbow(?)45# longbow(still have it) and a set of matched arrows for about $15. Currently, have a 50# bear Kodiak, and a compound at about 45#. I also cast darts with an atlatl, so so.
Any way, I want to make a self bow - approx 45#, 26" or so draw length, and single stave and whatever bow length will put me there - 55-65"?. Wood working tools, I got - stave, I don' t got

What would be the better wood to start with? Shaping, tillering and all that good stuff depend on what sort of stave I am able to get. Would a pyramid flat back be the better starting point? As soon as I figure out how to st post pics (and get a stave to start with), I will post "Dummies building a bow"? So I would like some advice and guidance.
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!