When you are choosing arrows to shoot from your warbow, how does the spine number correspond to the bow weight? For modern bows, this is a 1-to-one, a 75 lb. @ 28" bow gets arrows spined at 75lbs. Now, as I see it, there are two factors at odds with that when talking about a warbow. Firstly, we are drawing our arrows more than 28". If an arrow is spined to be stiff enough for 28", if you leave it 32", shouldn't it now be too whippy? Imagine the arrow was 48" long, it would bend like crazy when shot! Secondly, the archer's paradox has to work harder on a warbow, because the grip is wider than a modern recurve where the arrow passes. This would mean that the arrow needs to be spined lighter to curve around the extra bow width. So how do you reconcile these two opposing factors? Let's say that you have a warbow, and for the sake of the math, let's just say that it draws 100# at 32". You get on the phone with someone that sells arrowshafts. He says to you, "what spine arrows would you care to buy?" What is your reply? 100#, 110#, 90#?