I've decided on reducing down my 160 Italian yew, I made a bit of a hash of it a while back trying to even out the tiller, it's thick and thin in places it shouldn't be so I'm going to shorten it from 81&/4" to 78" (off the top limb only) and I copied some specs from Norwegian bows and going to mark out rough dimensions for 130-150 which should cover my mistakes, I measured every 10cm with callipers and should have plenty of wood still.
Before I mark it out properly I hoped for some advice on knots on the top limb and what sort of considerations I should take when I narrow the bow. They are shown in order working up the limb ( the bottom limb is pretty clean, just pins)
The first pic is where the new centre is, roughly 2" lower than what it was. As you can see I have plenty of wood.
(The written number is what it will be reduced to in mm)
The third pic is side view of previous knot pic
thanks for any advice, I'm just sizing it up at the moment before I talk myself into making a proper start.