Author Topic: How much power does drying wood have?  (Read 1788 times)

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Offline DC

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How much power does drying wood have?
« on: September 21, 2016, 03:05:50 pm »
I've noticed that I can keep a stave from reflexing(Doug or Vine Maple) with just a few wraps of duct tape. It only takes a few stickers to keep a stack of wood from warping. I'm wondering if there is not a lot of power in drying wood? Maybe it only warps if it has room to move. Anyone have any experiences that would lend some light? I've got a piece of Ocean Spray(famous for splitting handles) drying and I have put a couple of hose clamps on it in hopes of getting a split free handle. It's been drying since July with no sign of splitting. The only problem is remembering to tighten the clamps (I'm old) as the wood shrinks. I'm thinking of putting numerous wraps of bike tube in place of the clamps to keep a constant pressure on it. Just wondering if there will be enough pressure from the rubber. I know you can build considerable pressure with multiple wraps. I will try it anyway but I'm just speculating on my success.

Offline FilipT

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Re: How much power does drying wood have?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2016, 03:45:12 pm »
I think three clamps are enough, two for the tips and one for the center area. There are two hazel bows know drying, and they will come off the clamps tomorrow. After more than a month, they haven't twisted at all, nor they can reflex.

Offline willie

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Re: How much power does drying wood have?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2016, 04:01:40 pm »
good question, surely not as much as it takes to bend it back, once it's dry.
seems that a dry piece of wood will take a set from gravity alone,if given enough time........

Offline Tree_Ninja

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Re: How much power does drying wood have?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2016, 04:29:13 pm »
When doing live edge furniture it is recomended that heavy nylon rachet straps are cinched down to keep logs from splitting.

  I never thought about strapping a stave (a dim bulb brightens). Must be some sort of cognitive dissonance.

Oceanspray is powerful stuff though. Maybe try surgical tubing as tight as you can get. Or flagging tape.

Offline bow101

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Re: How much power does drying wood have?
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2016, 01:24:08 pm »
No idea but apparently they use to split granite blocks with wooden dowel plugs.  A worker would wet them every day to keep them expanding.

I know some bowyers use 2 boards either curved or straight and clamp the wood between them.  Perrsonally I think you should heat that Garage and be done with it.  That is half your problem right there.
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