Author Topic: is this enough  (Read 4976 times)

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Offline bjrogg

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is this enough
« on: September 17, 2016, 12:00:05 pm »
I took my HHB bow to my brothers buddies bow shop last Saturday. he made his 1st laminated bow in 1954 looking for better performance then was available at the time. He evolved into the modern compound but was very interested in my selfbow and arrows. While I was there I shot my bow through chronograph. I was a bit disappointed thought it was faster. I was shooting 595 grain arrow at 129fps. My question is this fast enough to hunt with stone points? Is this even fast enough for steal points and if so what size? I do have very good arrow flight shafts enter clean no sideways flight. As much as id like to harvest an animal with all primitive equipment I made I still want to be ethical about it. I would really like to hear from someone who has hunted with stone points. I'm sure the actual point makes big difference but I believe mine are quite good. The width of my points is 1 1/8". I have one arrow that heavier 45 grams (not sure what that is in grains) it has 1 3/8" wide point.
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Re: is this enough
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2016, 01:44:48 pm »
You shoulda' skipped the chrono! It was plenty good for you before hand. Then that little digital number made you question it. Grab a hunting arrow, the bow and go shoot a hay bale with it, or straw bale at 10-12 yards. I bet that will answer your question.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2016, 02:01:36 pm »
Thanks Pearl, I really think your right. I've been having my hunting points to all the way through my black hole block target and stick 6" out the other side. The target slides on the gravel, I was sure this combo would work till I saw that number. I know one thing nobody that's see's me shoot it is going to stand in front of me for a penetration test. The wheelie bow shop owner thought it was good. Thanks for the talking to Pearl. Guess if everything works out right I'll have my answer.
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Re: is this enough
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2016, 06:50:38 am »
Its the same reason I rarely scale my keeper bows, I just guess when asked. I scrape and tiller until its comfy. Otherwise that number I write on the limb suddenly matters more than how well I shoot it or how good it feels to draw. I read that a sharp, cut on contact head, 2 blade head takes a bit under 2# of pressure to push through fresh deer hide.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2016, 11:24:12 am »
Thanks again Pearl. I really believe that this combo is up to the task. My arrows are tuned to bow really good and seem to  penetrate block target really nice. I think I might have a bit of of the jitters having never even bow hunted before, and second guessing my self. I guess there's a lot of things that I could worry about but I really think my equipment is way down the list. Guess it's time to pull it all together and see what happens. Good Luck and Happy Hunting.
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Offline Pat B

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2016, 12:09:12 pm »
Believing in your equipment and your ability to use it will get you farther down the road that a chrono number.
 I checked one of my selfbows with a hunting arrow years ago and was so disappointed in the number I never did it again. That said I would feel confident to hunt any animal in the Americas with my hunting set up.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 10:42:04 pm by Pat B »
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2016, 01:34:53 pm »
Thanks Pat, I just went out and shoot 8 arrows all but one in a 5" group six of them sticking out other side of black hole block target. I feel much better now. Time to think about the other thousand things that are much more likely to mess me up, like wind, scent, movement and just plain deer being deer.
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Offline Pat B

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2016, 01:51:25 pm »
That's why its called hunting and not just shooting or killing.   ;)
 Just being close enough to a deer to be able to shoot without them knowing wins in my book. That alone is quite an accomplishment. Being able to put a scary sharp broadhead through the boiler room at the same time is your trophy plus every time you eat some of that deer brings back the memories of the hunt.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline BowEd

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2016, 11:41:19 am »
bjrogg....I know what you feel like.Recollecting back myself the first hunting season with a self bow.The very main thing as always said with archery is the placement of the arrow.Having confidence in that area is what counts the most.5" circle is plenty accurate enough.Your gonna be amazed at what happens with your set up on a quartered away shot into the vitals.It's enough for sure.Glad you realize this.If a huge hulk of a buck comes by or any other....Don't look at his antlers while,focus,focus on that patch of hair where you want the arrow to go.Helped me anyway.
All this speed/KE/ and technical stuff is for people that are poor me.Have a great hunting season yourself bjrogg.You guys too Pat and Chris.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2016, 03:56:06 pm »
Thanks Ed for the words of encouragement, I am so looking forward to this hunt way more than any hunt since I was a kid, probably even more than then. Shot placement is key in all hunting be it bow or gun. I know a lot of guys that shoot the antlers of there nice bucks. It's called buck fever and it can really miss you up if you let it. I think that's one reason I allways liked a single shot, it just made me calm down and wait for my shoot and aim. Hopefully I won't be to excited to make a good shoot if I get the chance on this hunt. Happy Hunting to you and everyone else to, and most of all be carefull out there guys. Just 12 more days here till opener.
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Offline BowEd

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2016, 10:27:05 pm »
We think alike bjrogg as far as only needing one shot.For decades I hunted with a muzzle loader too so we're both used to making that one shot count.
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Offline bow101

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2016, 01:32:28 pm »
At the end of the day as long as my bow is of legal hunting weight what the hay............. here its 40#.
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Offline Lumberman

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2016, 02:27:23 pm »
Hey thanks for posting this earnest question mr bjrogg, I am confident that my  fifty lb bow seems to pack a punch but I doubt it'd hit 150 fps just recognizing my lack in bowyers skills. Feeling confident out to 10-15 yards and reading the advice given is enough for me to hunt with it this year

Offline bjrogg

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2016, 02:43:06 pm »
Thanks to all you guys for giving me back my boost of confidence in my equipment and my hunting ability. Just in case you didn't figure it out yet I found my answer to this question. With a well placed quartering away shoot at 10 yards this is more than enough. My arrow passed through about 8 or 9" out the other side. My buck ran 100 yards stopped to look back walked 50 more yards and was done. My wheelie bow buddies were very impressed with the blood trail. I didn't use a stone point but I am sure it would have worked as good or better. I hope this post helps someone else as much as it helped me. This Stuff Works if used properly good luck guys and Happy Hunting
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Offline Trapper Rob

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Re: is this enough
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2016, 10:03:31 pm »
Congrats on the kill.