Author Topic: Let's see some points you've found  (Read 20844 times)

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Offline FlintWalker

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Let's see some points you've found
« on: March 01, 2008, 09:30:10 pm »
Seeing as all you fellers been posting all them purty points lately and I don't Knapp.  I thought i'd put up some pictures of what i've picked up over the years.   Most of them came from backer patches (that's tobacco for you city slickers). 
  Nothing museum quality, but pretty good to have avoided the discs and plows for so long.  In the time it's taken me to find this many good ones, I guess i've picked up 15 gallons of scrapers, preforms, tips, tails and just worked pieces.
  I like to look, so let's see what you got!
                                     Saw Filer

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Offline cowboy

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 10:23:30 pm »
I'm still lookin Shannon - as soon as I find something worth pickin up here in Laredo I'll post it. Man you got yerself one heck of a nice collection there - just wanna stare at em :D.
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Offline Hillbilly

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2008, 10:38:56 pm »
That's some great stuff, Shannon. That big dogleg Lost Lake is a good'un. Looks like you have some good flint around there. Here's a few of the points that I 've found in the 'baccer patches and cornfields around here. We have no flint here, so most of them are made from local quartzite. There's a few really old ones and some smaller late points made from TN. chert:

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« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 10:44:04 pm by Hillbilly »
Smoky Mountains, NC

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Offline cowboy

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2008, 11:01:08 pm »
Wow! You guys been walking the baccer feilds alot or else theirs just points laying everywhere. Wish I still had that bag of quartzite points I found on the lakeshore. Loaned em to the daughter (years ago) to take to school for show and tell - never saw em again :'(.
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Offline mullet

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2008, 11:13:15 pm »
 I've sold all of mine. You can see one, a Bull Tongue Simpson, in the arrowhead book called," The Best of the South". I think they have it listed for $2400.
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Offline Otoe Bow

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2008, 11:32:05 pm »
Every one of those has a story.  Really makes you wonder, don't it.  I've only found one or two in my life, but to be honest, I've really not been hunting much until now.  I did get one from my granddad's garden.  I'll try to dig it out and post later.  There used to be a wheat bottom about two miles away that after it was plowed, there'd always be folks out in the middle walking around on the highest spot near the creek that runs through it.  One day I asked my dad what they were doing, and he said they were looking for "artifacts".  Now it's a hay field so it rarely sees a plow.  I may ask the owner if I can look around. 

Keep posting guys.  I love this kind of stuff.  Great points.

So far, I haven't found any Osage or knappable rock over here.  Embrace the suck

Offline sailordad

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2008, 12:09:09 am »
i personnaly have never  found a point,dont know where to look for them where i live.
when i was in 6th grade,i had  friend that had moved here from indiana and he had coffee cans full of points and a couple of tomahawk heads he had found one his dads farmland back in indiana. didnt think much of it back then other than "cool,you thing they were ever shot into a white man?"
wish i had all those coffee cans now that i found this primitive thing that i've become addicted to.
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Offline FlintWalker

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2008, 12:42:56 am »
Cowboy, they ain't laying everywhere.  What you're looking at is hundreds of miles of walking.  It's no problem to find low grade woodland type points.  I looked over a 3 acre patch a few years ago and at the end of the day had found 60 complete points and not one of them worth over $1. That field had never been plowed and was apparently a camp site.  I put all of them in a case and the landowner paid me $60 for them.  He was as happy to buy them, as I was to find them.   I've since looked in that field and never came away with more than a couple.
   Here's a few more.   What do you make of the fluted piece?   I think it was gonna be a Cumberland, but broke somewhere in the process of making it.
  BTW Hillbilly, my favorite material is quartzite. I rarely see real nice flaking on them but have seen a few that were super nice.  I know a guy that has a big sandy you can read through.

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Offline Pat B

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2008, 01:26:41 am »
Most of these were found in coastal South Carolina near Hilton Head, Is. There is no natural stone in that area so all the lithics came from elsewhere, either as raw materials or probably preforms. We even found obsidian blade points. Some were found at a leveled 60 acres on a bluff above the Colleton River and some from a river swamp hunting club. The whelk shells were used as drills. The center column had a natural spiral to it. The mummified rat I found in a bag of grass seed and the false teeth I found in an old junk pile along my driveway. ;D
   There are cedar hummocks throughout the salt marsh areas that have shell rings on them and as the river cuts away at the banks the shell rings are exposed. I never found points near the shell rings but lots of potters shards, some bone needles and antler tine pressure flakers (or oyster knives ;D). We always found oyster shells, muscle shells and clam shells along with the whelks as part of these rings. I believe they were basically dump areas. The Natives would sit around eating shell fish and throwing the shells, along with other "trash" over their shoulders.    Pat

ps. The small pot, a prized possession, was given to me by my Aunt Sue. When she was in high school her boy friend gave it to her. If she were still alive she would be near 90. Sue said it came from near the Neches River in Texas.

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Offline lowell

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2008, 01:44:29 am »
Here are the bits and pieces I have found over the years.  Each drawer is a year of walking the fields here.  The small white point I'm pointing at was my first find and found it in a hay field!!

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2008, 03:09:21 am »
Hey Pat

Looks like you lost your teeth  ;D


Offline Hillbilly

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2008, 10:53:04 am »
Nice stuff, everybody. Pat's saving that mummified rat for hard times, you'd probably have to boil it a good while to get it tenderized, though  :). Shannon, I'd say you're right about that being a Cumberland preform. It looks like it's already been pressure flaked to set up the median ridge. Looks like a rollout fracture during fluting when the flute flake dives through the piece, I've produced several "takedown" fluted points myself. :) What does the other side look like?  Oh, and I'll trade you a ton of quartzite for a hundred pounds of that slick gray flint.  ;D
Smoky Mountains, NC

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Offline uwe

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2008, 12:56:12 pm »
@ Pat B: the claypot is nice. Where did you get it? Which time and culture? Was it complete in 1 piece?
Regards Uwe

Offline Pat B

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2008, 01:33:48 pm »
Uwe, The clay pot came to me complete and unbroken from my aunt. She got it 75 years ago from an old boyfriend. It came from the Neches River in Texas( ???).  The period and culture are unknown to me.
   As far as the rat and teeth goes, I have a box full of "interesting" stuff like that. I love to collect all sorts of stuff and you never know when you might just need a mummified rat or old set of false teeth. ;D       Pat
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline cowboy

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Re: Let's see some points you've found
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2008, 02:40:54 pm »
Nice stuff ya'll ;D. Yeah, I was jokin about that Shannon :). I heard somewhere that on average, people who walk/dig for artifacts find one every eighteen hours. Those collection's ya'll have there equate to a lot of ground poundin...
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