Thank you for the kind words. I have enjoyed this little project and would encourage others to do something similar.
The collection of memories range from old Jeeps, wood stoves, guns, bows,hunting, fishing, things breaking and backwoods repairs, trees, cricks, canoes to development and so called progress. I have several others in my head that still need to be recorded down for my Grandson. Here are some of the titles of the short stories so far. Please note that the title may or may not be obvious to what the story is about
The Trail Marker Tree
Ithica Model 49
The cricks of Poverty Hill
The Turkey Shoots
The Birdwalk Canoe race
Twenty below
The deer that came with a drag rope
The cantakeous water pump
Thought I was alone
Mighty mouse
What's the worse that can happen?
First deer
Daffy duck
Turkey hunting with (Famous TV star whose name I have left out for this post)
Tree stand nicknames
We were here first
The woods of Poverty Hill
The upper and lower cabins
Neighbors of note