Welcome aboard cantshoot. I wouldn't guess that as a first bow for anyone looking at how nicely it is tillered, I believe there is a bright future of bow crafting ahead of you.

You look like a younger man and it is always cool to see people in your age group taking an interest in this form of archery and primitive skills. Looking forward to your next bow.
I'll add that if you can make a bow that well you'll do fine at arrow crafting too. A lot of the group here have no problem helping a newbie get started so if you could use a few supplies to start some arrow building let me know. I could send you a few arrow shafts, turkey feathers, sinew and field points by mail if you are in the U.S. Many others here have done the same for me and I'd be happy to pass it on. All the info your need to learn can be found on the forum.