57" long 60# draw at 28". Nice piece of osage I think I got from Clint. Just 4 knots to work around. 3 layers of sinew. The top limb is slightly longer, all in the recurve. I modeled it after a bow in a painting. Classic, romantic 5 curve plains bow. I try to never make 2 bows alike, so I still put in reflex and recurves by steaming and bending over the knee or standing on the tips. So if i ever post a perfect looking bow the perfection was a mistake. All I am after is good bend, shooting and long life. Even being osage and sinew I don't want to take any chances. This was a slow tiller and I ran a caliper up the limbs to make sure there is not a spot doing too much work. I don't think there is. After 100++ shots the bow shows no more bend in the limps right after unstringing than it did on shot #1 at 25". It has a few little hairline belly cracks from moisture excaping through the belly from fresh sinew. I always tape the belly with waterproof tape to keep this from happening, but sometimes I guess I don't get it on well enough. One of my personal bows has 1/4" monstrosities split on both limbs and has been going strong for 4 years, so I'm not worried. Just a little extra caricature. Thanks for looking