Hello fellow Bowyers. I am new to this wonderful art of bow building and I could use some advice. My father in law is cutting down several trees and he said I could have any of them if I wanted. I believe they are Ash trees but I am not 100% sure. Is ash a good bow wood for a starting bowyer? If it is worth the trouble; then I would like your advice on which tree(s) to take.
He is cutting the tree directly in front of the cabin along with the 2 on the left side of it that are flagged. My first impression is I like the one farthest to the left, it looks like it has a couple sections of nice straight trunk. The tree on the right is bigger, but has a slight dog leg in it and is not as straight. The first 8 feet on the tree in front of the cabin looks quite straight as well....
Anyhow, I just wanted to get your thoughts. Thanks, SS.

tree directly in front of cabin

Trees on the left side