Please, first let me introduce myself. My name is Andrea, and I am currently a college student in Montana, but I am originally from Illinois. I was bitten by the archery bug when I was fairly young, 6th grade or so, but after a few years, life caught up with me and bowmaking fell by the wayside. I've never really gone beyond crudely tillered black willow bows, and the project my father and I planned, making a hickory board bow, never happened due to changes in his work schedule and the start of the school year.
But here I am, in college, with all the glorious wilderness of Montana right outside my door, begging me to go roving with bow in hand, and not a bow or arrow to my name. I've been perusing these forums, and the itch is just growing stronger. I just need to know, from the wisdom of all the knowledgeable folks on this board, whether or not this is a feasible undertaking. Here are my resources:
A basement with room to work
A local antique store with lots of nice drawknives and other tools
Ace Hardware & Home Depot
2 woodworking rubber-tipped spring clamps
1 dremel tool
A lot of determination
I know I need some wood, I've been looking at purchasing a stave or two from eBay. I've got a small box of tooling leather scraps coming in the mail, so if I teach myself and get any good at it, I'll have something to barter with to get a proper bowstring, some field points, or some other resources.
So, can it be done? Where do I even begin?