Author Topic: Question for the old guys  (Read 10203 times)

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Offline DC

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Question for the old guys
« on: April 20, 2016, 01:24:09 pm »
Anyone deal with arthritis in you hands? Mines not serious at all compared to some but it's an annoyance when I'm shooting and I don't need annoyances. I've got inflammation in the joint of my thumb right where the bow sits. As much as I dislike the look of pistol grip I'm thinking it would take the pressure of my thumb. Has anyone tried this? How would you go about retro fitting a pistol grip--cork? 

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2016, 01:44:04 pm »
If you can live with it, what do you care what a bunch of us neo-neanderthals think?  Do it, if it helps you stay in the game, brother!
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline DC

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2016, 03:37:23 pm »
Well, I know that most of you would smear your hands with bear grease and dance naked around an Osage tree but I'm not that far gone ;D ;D ;D Just wondering if anyone had a similar problem and how they solved it? I didn't really put you in the "Old Guys" classification JW

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2016, 03:46:17 pm »
Well, I know that most of you would smear your hands with bear grease and dance naked around an Osage tree but I'm not that far gone ;D ;D ;D Just wondering if anyone had a similar problem and how they solved it? I didn't really put you in the "Old Guys" classification JW

Yeah, tell that to the RA in my right thumb, the blown discs in my lower back, and the hip joint that is currently on strike...
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline Chief RID

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2016, 04:00:32 pm »
I don't have it real bad. Mostly back and hands. I don't feel it when I shoot. I am shooting pistol grips.

Offline TimBo

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2016, 05:09:10 pm »
I'm not THAT old (maybe? unless you ask my kids...), so I don't have any arthritis issues.  But I am a big proponent of acupuncture for all of my other middle age issues.  It definitely has helped me, sometimes dramatically, with tendonitis and some neck/shoulder problems. 

I also wonder if you could glue a thin piece of foam rubber or something similar to the pressure point on your grip (sort of like a Dr. Scholl's shoe insert). 

Offline DC

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2016, 05:19:23 pm »
One of those jelly things, hmm, that might work

Offline DC

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2016, 07:52:05 pm »
Laugh if you will but this solved the problem ;D  What did primitive people use for corns?

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2016, 10:23:22 pm »
  Bud 2 years ago the only thing I knew about RA is my mom had it her whole life.

  From about 2 years back to about 5 ,6 months my RA's really sucked, NO RELEAVE, PAIN PILLS HELP FOR 1/2 HOUR IF YOUR LUCKY.

  But the last few months I've gotten way worse. Broke a bone in the arch of my foot in JULY. By NOV. It was good I thought. Bow hunted 9 days re broke it. Better findly by MARCH 3 weeks my RA in my ankle. 100 Yards In on the couch next day. My ankles been swelled double its normal size for a month. Even since I got RA in it.

I've never missed a first day of gobbler season since I killed my first gobbler at 8 years old. Setting between my granddaddy's legs.

  I've killed 15 gobblers with my selfbows. 6 With re curves and long bows, 4 with a compounds.

   I haven't picked up my bow and shot it since NOV. 9 TH. Last day I buck hunted.

No releave. I'm doing ROCKIE 30 'S now,worth less unless you like the high. My fingers have swelled and has hurt for lithely months.

  Flare ups ahead of every front coming when the bioarm er drops. If anyone ever says my leg hurts it's going to rain. Bet on it and give odds because it's very true.

  I've been knapping the last couple months. Fingers, elbos and shoulders SUCK for real. Pain where's you down.

 Worse thing you can't take a lot for RA that your body will let you take it. At least thats how it is for me.Through in I've been dibectic for 30 years. 

    Really sucks when you've walked 10,000 miles, took couple hikes a week your whole life, doing something. You wake up one day and you can't walk to the bathroom.

  Your perrty none when just about every joint in your body has hunt at some point in the day.
  And I'm not that old 53.

  My advice is if you have the start of arthritis go tommorow and see someone about it right away.

  If not be perpaired for a life of pain and pain pills. I'm there I know.


Offline Fred Arnold

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2016, 11:18:24 pm »
Personally I don't like doctors. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use them just because of my distaste for the AMA. I prefer holistic methods to relieve the symptoms and pain. You might want to refer back to some of the PA magazine articles.
The majority of doc's that you visit will first put you on pain killers and anti inflammatory. Then they'll schedule an appointment for surgery. Go figure?
You can consider my advice or shoot a crooketarrow whichever you prefer.
I found many years ago that it is much easier and more rewarding working with those that don't know anything than those that know it all.

Offline DC

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2016, 11:29:34 pm »
I have a mild form of arthritis, not a big deal. It was just distracting enough to throw off my shots. I put that corn plaster on the bow and shot the best I have in weeks.(still not great ;))  I just have to come up with a slightly better looking fix ;) I'm thinking along the line of a shooting glove with some padding in it. And it I'm going to wear a glove maybe I can get rid of the shelf ;D

Offline stickbender

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2016, 01:07:07 am »

     What did the ancients use for corns?  Buffalo butter, and salt. ::) ::)
But seriously for your mild arthritis, I suggest you at least try this, unless you are recovering alcoholic.  I have arthritis, in my fingers, back and neck, and bone spurs.  I have a bone spur, in my single salute finger, on my right hand, and when I use my hand a lot, or grip something hard, it will rub a vessel across the spur, and my finger will swell, and tighten up, and turn colors, and look like bad bruise.  A couple of days, or so later, it is back to normal.  I have arthritis knots starting on my left single salute finger, but they have not enlarged in five years.  Occasionally, my hands will start hurting, and get stiff.  But when I take a teaspoon of gin and raisins, the next day, or later that night I feel fine.  I usually take it, but I hate golden raisins, so I will go a week or so without it, and then I will notice my hands starting to get sore.  The remedy is simply a box of golden raisins, dumped into a bowl, and covered with gin.  I don't know how many ounces the box is, but it is the standard box that golden raisins come in.  Any brand of gin is fine  One guy swears by Blue something or another, others go with Bombay.  I just use Tanqueray, as it is what I have in my booze cabinet.  You just dump the raisins in a bowl, and cover them with gin, and cover the bowl, with a cloth, and let it sit in the refrigerator, for a week.  The raisins will plump up, and the majority of the alcohol will have evaporated.  You may have to add a little more gin if the raisins soak up too much gin, and are not covered.  The original dosage was 9 raisins a day.  I just dip a plastic spoon, and get about 10-12 or so, and chew them up and swallow.  I first heard about this on the  Peoples Pharmacy.  I had read it in their syndicated column in the news paper.  Joe, and Terry Graedon are the hosts.  They have a radio show, on Sundays, and will have either a picked subject or just have people call in with home remedies, or to ask a question.  Joe is a registered Pharmacist, and Terry, is a Medical Anthropologist.  People asked about the gin and raisins, remedy for arthritis, and wondered why it works, Joe said it might be the combination of the sloe berry from the gin, and the resveratrol, from the raisins.  Both are anti inflammatory.  But it has worked very well for me.  It may not work for everyone, but it has been a charm for me.  Give it a try.  If nothing else, have a gin and tonic!
There have been many people who have written, and called in, to say what a miracle it has been for them.  One lady, could no longer write or drive, because her hands had become so gnarled.  The medicine the Dr. had given her, made her sick, and did not help at all.  Someone had told her about the gin and raisins, and she tried it, and felt some relief, so kept taking them, and now she is writing again, and driving.  Give it a try, you may or may not notice a change real soon, but eat a teaspoon full of raisins, each day, till the bowl of raisins are gone, and see.  You should see a difference with a couple of days.  Let me know how they work for you.

Offline DC

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2016, 10:54:59 am »
Unfortunately I am a recovering alcoholic. maybe the raisins by themselves will help. Thanks

Online Pat B

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2016, 11:20:20 am »
I've developed arthritis in my left thumb but so far its not too bad. My elbows hurt, my back hurts, my knees, my hips and other places but so far they are all manageable. Like the old saying goes...Old age ain't for sissies!
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Strelets

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Re: Question for the old guys
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2016, 02:43:07 pm »
I find that gels containing ibuprofen really do work.  Rub them well into the hands and over any other painful joints. They keep me shooting when the arthritis starts getting bad.