Author Topic: Bend check  (Read 1559 times)

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Offline Tree_Ninja

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Bend check
« on: April 06, 2016, 10:37:01 pm »
Hello all,

  I've been working on a few different things lately, could use a few new eyes.

The first bow is black locust, 55@25"   56" overal length with 2
3/4" non bendy handle. Nearly messed this one up with a terrible design. I have since scraped a bit toward the fades and the one stiff spot 1/3 up the upper limb.

The second is oceanspray so far 47@28". 66" with 4" non working handle. Definatly drew this one upside down. I have since scraped the fades and tips a bit and on the stiff spot on the lower limb in the light.

Any comments and suggestions are appreciated. Definatly would like some criticisms.

Iĺl try and get some better pics up soon.

Offline bow101

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Re: Bend check
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2016, 10:53:23 pm »
Looks like you are coming along, nice bend on both especially the BL.  Only thing I would do different is leave more tip length but thats just me.
"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."  Joseph Campbell

Offline wizardgoat

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Re: Bend check
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2016, 03:51:58 am »
Really tough to say without seeing unbraced and braced with front profiles.
A little stiff out the top fade on the BL, maybe a slight stiff spot bottom mid limb too?
The OS the fades look a bit stiff, and a bit stiff mid upper limb?
Is that the BL I gave you?

Offline Tree_Ninja

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Re: Bend check
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2016, 10:43:05 am »
Thanks Bow101, the tips are a bit short. Tried to max out draw length.

Ryan, yes it is the stave you gave me. I hope you managed to work with the stuff I gave you. I got some better rock that is a bit easier to work. I may have a domestic turkey feather supply in the fall.  I almost destroyed the locust you gave me with a poorly thought out design.

I see the stiff spots on the locust now. Im going to work the fades more.   When you mentioned the stiff spot on upper limb of ocean spray,did you mean he right limb on draw photo? If so that is now bottom limb, and I see the spot too.

Oh and unbraced /braced pic of OS is fliped opposite of draw because prop twist wouldn't let it sit on floor flat.

Offline wizardgoat

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Re: Bend check
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2016, 11:42:00 am »
No I haven't gotten into that rock yet. It's in my "heat treat one day" pile.
Did you hear treat the BL? Probably not too late.
Gets those spots mentioned moving a bit and it'll even up a bit.
Ya the top limb in the photo for the OS.

Offline diliviu

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Re: Bend check
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2016, 02:40:10 pm »

Judging from the bottom pics:
BL: the top limb seems a tad stiff in the outer half (maybe except for the area close to the tip). The bottom limb looks good. Asymmetry for my taste is not too much now.
If you want to lose as little poundage as possible, I would slowly heat treat the inner top limb, take down just a little from outer top limb and in this case for bottom limb you should need just very light adjustment (evenly on the entire length) to keep the exact current asymmetry between limbs.

OS: right (bottom?) limb: about ok (comparing, of course, unstrung with strung). Left: pretty stiff in the outer half, too much bending around the knot. If OS takes heat treat well, I would slowly heat treat the belly right at and around the knot (left limb) and take some from the outer limb. Right limb: take quite evenly for keeping the current balance between limbs.

It would then be interesting to compare the bows in terms of hand shock (with same gpp) to make an idea about the (good, bad or neutral) influence of a quite big positive tiller on hand shock.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2016, 02:43:57 pm by diliviu »