I got a little over 3 pints of honey! I have had better honey, but this is not too bad... I think the robber bees from other hives got all the really good stuff before we tore into it.
I have been cooking down the wax, one pot at a time. I put most of the really clean white comb into trays and melted down and it looks great. The black brood comb went into a camping pot with water, simmered for a little over an hour, and then strained through cheesecloth into a 2 gallon plastic bucket. I squeezed out what wax I could from the cheesecloth, and then tied it together and dunked into boiling water to try to get more wax out, squeezed again and poured this water into the plastic bucket as well. This second squeezing gain another decent amount of wax. Each pot full of comb is yielding a nice disk of wax about 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick.
The white comb is giving nice looking wax, while the brood comb is giving me a dark orange wax. Once I have finished the comb, I will remelt the disks and strain again. Right now about 2/3 of the way through with the comb that I got.