Well.. After a fairly long spell of dedication to natural shoots with primitive fletchings, I thought I'd use the DIY shaft maker v2.0 to make a batch of good ole traditional shafts. Been turning shafts like a mad man but I finally got a half dozen finished up. Since they're matched lumber, might as well get out the Bitzenburger!
I must admit that it does feel good to turn a dozen trad shafts in the time it takes to straighten one shoot. Might take a little mini vacation from all-out-primitive and enjoy the beauty of traditional woodies for a while

21/64 diameter
31" length
5" parabolic
Self nocks
Spar urethane finish lightly dulled with OOO steel wool
They're heavy. I'll weigh them when I get my grain scale back. I'm loaning it out. They're fast for their noticeable weight though. I reinforce my self nocks with every other species, but not oak. Never had an oak nock break. Makes a durable shaft that requires little straightening once you've got 'em trained. I've grown fond of the plain-Jane look and it's my go-to style.