Hello all.Here's one I'm shooting in right now.62.25"NTN,52#@28".9 to 10 inch skinny a$$ stiff levers.Took more set than I liked but evenly though as you can see.Think top limb is on the left.Maybe an inch of set back at rest.Good early draw weight but it's a freshy.Good flat cast on the 565 grain arrows at 20 yards.Almost center shot arrow pass.Shoots pleasant,clean,and where I'm looking at.Hav'nt had Robin take full draw yet but it looks in tiller to me.Send it later after shooting more.You can be the judge.
My maple backed cedar bow had a tear out on the maple backing while planing and I sanded that down and of course made a dip and it started a small crack there at 25"@52#.Have another maple backing I'll run through a thickness or drum sander next time and reglue.The grain had a little wave slightly there.No run out though.The core is tillered already so I won't need to mess with that.Always something....lol.Here's some pics of hedgerina.
Sort of looks like the top limb is longer but they are even lengthed limbs