Well just to make things completed …
Here is the finished bow from this buildalong (for those who are interested):
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,54838.0.htmlOsage, 53“ long ntn, 56#/28“, sinewed with two layers, painted with earth pigments, no replica – just a short sinewed and painted static.
I did some scetches before I painted the bow

The f/d pics are not the best but only opportunity to do it outside …




I rubbed in some dark brown pigments in the finished dry painting and particularly sanded some paint of to get a 'used' look.
Here is the thunderbird motive on the upper limb:

And the lizard on the lower:

A sanding off at the edges can make some nice graphic effects:

On the sinew wrap are two different bright brown pigments, also slightly sanded – I like that look:

On the belly side are two identical hands one the lower and the upper limbs:

I found a nice leftover of a stingray leather, just enough to fit the handle. I rubbed in some brownish earth pigments to get to match with the painting. A light sanding over all brought out the bone pearl of this wonderful material: