Some more update pics:
After the glue set on the handle, I used this farrier's rasp to get the shape roughed out.

Man... this rasp... how did I live without it! The wife was kind enough to let us stop at a certain traditional archery shop in Rochester as we were traveling between her relatives in NE Iowa and my brother in St. Paul. I wanted to get more, but I restrained myself to picking up this rasp. I won't name the shop since they're not a sponsor, but if you Google search it, you'll find it. If any of you live in NE Iowa, SW Wisconsin, or SE Minnesota (or if you're heading to the Twin Cities and have time to spare, Rochester is an hour to the south), you should check them out! They have all sorts of neat trad gear.
Anyways, I then got to taking the squeezed out epoxy and blue tape off of the bamboo. Just as a heads up, the tape does not easily lift off the thicker sections of epoxy. I used a Dremel with a small sanding drum to get the epoxy paper thin, then it peels off with the tape, leaving the bamboo intact. You probably could use a file to do it by hand (especially if you're concerned with hitting the bamboo with the chuck section of the Dremel), but the Dremel made it pretty quick and easy.

Here's where she stands now:

I'm going to thin the profile ever so slightly (it's plenty stiff where it is now at 1.5" out of the fades) to the 1 3/8 range, then add the tip overlays, then I suppose start tillering her.