There are some great bows posted so far! I hate to admit I haven't been following as closely as I would like, but now that I'm finished with orchestra for the season, I'll have more free time to look and post.
Speaking of posting... I have been working on the bow over the past couple of weeks. Here's a picture of what it looked like on the tillering tree last night:

The angle of the camera is not quite straight up and down, but I think you can see what's going on. It's at 16 inches now at a short brace (2"). The left limb is a tad stronger than the right and I think I can get the limbs near the outer fades to bend a bit more, but I think it's not too bad. At how much weight it's pulling at 16", I think I'll have more than enough wood to make my weight goal. It also hasn't taken a lot of set yet (about 1/4"), but since I want to flip the tips, I'm fine with a little set (it's just good that it hasn't taken, say, 3" of set at this point!).
Aside from doing some house and yard work, I really hope to get the bow to the 20" mark today so I can get to bending the tips. I'll also try to get the brace up to 3" for the next round of tillering, but my tillering string has been a bit stretchy and therefore a bit uncooperative... I might have to whip up a tillering string from the D97 string I have. In fact, I think I will do that right now (I have 2 nearly full spools, so I know I have plenty of material!).