I got it! I did have to leave work a little early today

Sidmand's osage turned up on my porch... apparently yesterday and I didn't know it

My wife had checked the mail yesterday while driving in, mail was in the box but she didn't see the tube on the porch... and I didn't see it either as I got in late. She let me know today that she found it on the porch, and it seemed earlier than normal for the mail to have run... it could have been there yesterday... and then later the mail came.
Anyway, the bow is great! I will post some pics, but to refresh your minds, this is the one with the yellow & red diamond pattern on the back. I went out and shot for as long as I could tolerate the mosquitoes, and this bow shoots great. The draw is really smooth, no hand shock at all, and it flings an arrow pretty quick. I am really enjoying shooting this guy.
I think it is pretty neat that I built for Sidmand and he built for me! If I remember correctly, Sidmand said this was his first trade bow, first self bow, first osage, and first sinew backed. I am still an amateur, but from my eyes, it is hard to believe that this is a first... Great job Sidmand!