you can see I feathered the sinew towards the tips,, not going all the way out,,
then I let the bow cure about 2 weeks, I dont think that is long enough in most climates, but it is so dry here I get away with it,,
when I started to tiller the bow,, I had the great idea,,(that wasn't that great)
I didnt want to over strain the bow by stringing it too soon,, so I put about 45lb of weight in a bucket,, I would hook the long string to that and lift the bucket,,, no way to pull it more than 45 pounds,, well I kept taking off wood every day,, and the bow was looking small,, but the 45 pounds was only pulling the bow a little past even,, so one day I said,, I better string this thing I am running out of wood,,
well when I strung it, the sinew stretched more,, and I was nearly at my target weight now,, at full draw,, the bow was tapered even so it was ok,,
I evened the tiller a bit,, and was at about 47# and that was ok,, but I had alot of rasp marks in the belly,, so I decided to put goat hide on the belly to make it look nicer,, and not sand out the marks and risk loosing any more weight,,