Made a couple hhb bows in the past month, here's the second one and I'll post the other soon. Had to take all the pictures of this one inside because my camera went wacko and won't work in natural daylight suddenly.
This one is 59"ntn and 47.5# at my 24" draw. It is 1- 5'16" wide at the widest part of the limbs and came from a tree that was roughly 8" diameter. A few months ago Halfeye sent me the halved log of this tree which held six exceptionally clean and straight staves of bow wood within. Thanks again Rich, this stuff is a pleasure to work with my friend.
On this one I tried to make the finish resemble the wood trim in my 105 year old bungalow home, (I like old stuff). Maybe its good that I took the photos indoors so you guys can tell me if you think it worked.

The handle wrap is cotton sting and my attempt there was to do a pattern that resembled a wool trade blanket. When I finished the bow I brought it home to show the wife and her first remark was that the handle looked like a pendleton blanket, so I guess I got the handle look I was going for, at least in her eyes.

This one shoots pretty smooth and is whisper quiet. Thanks for taking a look.