recently ive been building some bows, out of elm, hickory, and osage sapwood. just so happens i hate wasting any wood. i have a piece of osage sapwood and a piece of elm i recently split off of logs as i made staves for the bows i made. anyhow figure a couple pieces are worth the effort to whittle down to those old fashioned baseball bat looking blunt arrows of the eastern woodlands. anyhow. im heat bending and whittling down 2. one of elm one of sapwood osage. sure beats putting em in the wood stove.

got a couple local squirrels love my newly sprouted green beans in the spring. maybe i can put a end to that.and make a nice pot of the mean time more to come. Tony update: this is a osage sapwood hand plained bird blunt arrow.the head has 6 facets to it {flat areas} will be working on the elm one soon. going to fletch these in the woodland 2 feather fletch style eventually.