Here are my thoughts (mainly ramblings)on the pictures. You can click on the image view it in photobucket and zoom in to see each image larger.
The progression is from the top down
Antler Drift Punch
Key Features: Platform placement, Stone hammer to apply a strike to the punch, steep angle of punch, support against a wall in top right pic (under antler drift punch heading)
Hammerstone on Stone Punch
Key Features: support between legs
1879 Cushing Cylinder Under knee
Key Feature: Support of piece is no longer in hand to allow for both hands to be used to better control the antler punch and hammerstone
Wooden Hammer w/ large "ishi stick"
Key Features: "Drift Punch' is made larger by placing in handle, hammer strike is on side of stick verses the end as done with the drift punch.
All of this somehow merges together to form the thoughts and actions behind the "Tine Based" Flaking
Other things I noticed in one of the antler drift photos you can see support against a wall and in the bottom left Tine based photo the picture is also taken beside a wall and from looking at alot of the pictures they were taken during the process of making the point so it could be inferred that the piece was supported against the wall weather in hand or laying on something as seen in the wooden hammer photos. The glove the wrapped around the biface in the 1879 Cushing photos is also present in the Tine based flaking photos so the piece may have been wrapped in the glove. The bottom right photo showing a broken antler tine shows alot of wear on the side of the tine as if it was struck in the manner as done with the wooden hammer photos and not on the end as done with the drift punches.
Hopefully someone can help wrap their head around all of this and give some more insight on how the progression could of been made and how the "Tine Based Flaking" is being performed. Only the person who has taken these photos knows exactly how it was done, but maybe just maybe we can pull something from these images to learn from and apply to our own knapping bag of tricks.