Author Topic: Looking for a shotgun  (Read 6718 times)

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Offline wizardgoat

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Looking for a shotgun
« on: November 05, 2015, 07:33:13 pm »
Can you guys recommend me a good shotgun?
Will probably never hunt with it, mostly for protection in the bush, and some good times.
I don't plan on owning too many, so if you guys could have just one shotgun what would it be?

Offline Josh B

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2015, 07:40:12 pm »
Remington 870 12 guage in 3" magnum.  Damn near bullet proof and as reliable as a Swiss watch. It'll handle any job requiring a shotgun and they're reasonably priced. Josh

Offline Danzn Bar

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2015, 08:02:26 pm »
+1 what Josh said...........
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Offline jayman448

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2015, 08:26:07 pm »
Anything with a good old fashioned breech action for me. Less parts, less can go wrong. No quirks. Ether have a functional gun or you dont. Pluss i figure that in self defence in the bush two shots is about all youll get before that grizz is on top of you anyways.

Offline Aaron H

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2015, 09:05:43 pm »
Remington 870 12 guage in 3" magnum.  Damn near bullet proof and as reliable as a Swiss watch. It'll handle any job requiring a shotgun and they're reasonably priced. Josh
^ yup

Offline Josh B

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2015, 09:12:03 pm »
Anything with a good old fashioned breech action for me. Less parts, less can go wrong. No quirks. Ether have a functional gun or you dont. Pluss i figure that in self defence in the bush two shots is about all youll get before that grizz is on top of you anyways.

I'm guessing that you've never seen the inside of a hammerless s/s or o/u.  They have plenty of small intricate parts to malfunction.  However, a hammer type single shot fits your preferences quite well.  Josh

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2015, 09:50:42 pm »
I would suggest a Remington 870 also.  You can get them with the slug barrel and bird barrel combo. They are super easy to swap out to.  I've had one since I was in high school.  It's taken down a lot of deer, rabbits, and clay targets.  Never had a single problem with it. 
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Offline Traxx

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2015, 10:31:58 pm »
Can you guys recommend me a good shotgun?
Will probably never hunt with it, mostly for protection in the bush, and some good times.

Based on your criteria,i would second jayman448.A good single shot shotgun,would be my choice.

Offline jayman448

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2015, 10:47:59 pm »
Anything with a good old fashioned breech action for me. Less parts, less can go wrong. No quirks. Ether have a functional gun or you dont. Pluss i figure that in self defence in the bush two shots is about all youll get before that grizz is on top of you anyways.

I'm guessing that you've never seen the inside of a hammerless s/s or o/u.  They have plenty of small intricate parts to malfunction.  However, a hammer type single shot fits your preferences quite well.  Josh

I guess i should have mentioned the hammer thing. I did indeed mean a double breach with hammers

Offline JEB

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2015, 11:01:18 pm »
870 is a great hunting gun.  I own two, a 20 and a 12 .  But since you are not going to hunt, want to use it in the bush for protection I would get a short barrel 12 gauge double barrel.  Much  easier to tote around.

Offline stickbender

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2015, 11:14:03 pm »
     I am with Josh, Rem. 870 3" mag.  You can get different sized barrels, and stocks.  If you going to use if for home defense, or defense in the woods, while hiking, camping etc.  You can get a stock with a pistol grip.  Do not get just the pistol grip.  it is pretty much useless, in my opinion.  Get the one with the stock, and pistol grip combo.  you can put the stock under your arm, and hold the pistol grip, and finger off the trigger, at the ready, and a flash light in the other hand, held out away from your body, so if the light becomes a target, you are not behind it, while investigating things that go bump in the night.  Also you can change barrels, for defense, to hunting.  you can get chokes for it.  The barrel will usually come with a choke already built into the barrel, full, mod, cylinder  bore, Improved cylinder, etc.  you can get barrels,with screw in chokes.  I would recommend a Modified choke, as it is the most adaptable in most situations.  If you are going to be duck, or goose hunting, get a full choke, but the Modified is the all around choke.  And yes you can shoot slugs out of a full choke.   The 870 is a VERY dependable gun. My second choice and right next to the 870, is the Mossberg Pump, in 3inch mag. It has the tang safety, and two slide action bars. You don't have to shoot 3 inch mags in these guns, you can shoot 23/4 inch, in them also.  But the mag is a bit more powerful, and more shot capacity.  A single shot is fine for back packing, or a truck, or boat gun, but when the chips are down, do you really want a single shot?  Get the 870, and then look for accessories, but like I said, the pistol grip, is just Hollywood.  Shoot one a couple of times, especially 3" magnum buckshot, and you will soon be putting the real stock back on.  Plus you have much more control with a stock with, or without the pistol grip.    Anyway, that is my two cents.  I have an 870, 3 " mag, with 20 inch modified barrel, and a stock with a pistol grip, and flash light attachment.  It is by the bed within arms reach, in case a bear,or other critter, thinks it wants something in my house.  I have had bears in my yard, and a young one on my deck, and it showed no fear, when I rapped my knuckles against the sliding glass doors,
So I grabbed my pistol, and stepped out on the deck, and jumped, and stomped on the deck, and yelled at the bear, and it took off.  But the big boy, in my yard, was a big black bear, but there are Griz, here too.  My neighbor had a sow, and cub walk in front of him, as he was walking out of his shop.  The shotgun, by the bed,  I keep loaded with 3"inch Mag buckshot.  If you are just using it for home defense, against intruders, I would suggest, number six shot, for the first two rounds, and then buckshot for the rest.  You can get extended magazines for it.  Number 6 shot, at close range, will cut most anything in half, and will not go through two or three walls, and hit innocent persons, as the energy will be be spent, to the point it will be pretty much harmless.  Besides, even empty, just the sound of a pump action shotgun, in the dark, is universal, and gets people who should not be there to thinking about exiting as soon as possible. Good luck with your decision.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 11:26:38 pm by stickbender »

Offline bubby

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2015, 12:11:19 am »
I've had an 870 for years and love it, i aslo have an old stevens 20ga single shot i got for christmas when i was 10 that is a great gun and it weighs next to nothing and breaks down to fit in tour pac
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Offline Thunder

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2015, 12:30:48 am »
12 ga Remington 870 3" mag
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Offline caveman2533

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2015, 06:37:55 am »
I would also say and 870. so much versatility in one gun and solid and reliable.

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Looking for a shotgun
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2015, 08:53:09 am »
You can get a 870 clone made by H&R in China for about $150 on sale. Remington sued H&R for producing it then turned around and bought the company. The barrels won't interchange but it is a pretty close copy. Mine says H&R Pardner on one side of the barrel, Remington, Ilion NY on the other.

The fit and finish is not like a Remington but the function is flawless. Mine is leaning up at the corner of my bed to stop home invaders, crack heads or other unwanted guests. 3" magnum turkey loads are vicious things.

I have an 1187 Remington I hunt doves with, any other scattergunning I do is with a flintlock fowler.