Author Topic: Hemp  (Read 10606 times)

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Offline Zuma

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« on: November 03, 2015, 01:56:27 am »
You folks know more about this stuff than I do.
It looked like a good value and had multi colors.
Any comments welcomed.
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Offline lebhuntfish

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2015, 02:16:17 am »
I think that is a set of multi color cordage made from hemp.  >:D

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Offline chamookman

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2015, 05:40:46 am »
I thought it said Shemp - Moe & Larrys Buddy  O:) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Bob.
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Offline Outbackbob48

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2015, 07:11:45 am »
Don, how does it smoke :o :o ;D  Bob

Offline Zuma

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2015, 08:10:28 am »
Ok I love commodians :) but your forcing me to remove
the first sentance in my original post >:D
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Offline nclonghunter

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2015, 08:40:11 am »
Hemp (from Old English hænep) is a commonly used term for high-growing varieties of the Cannabis plant and its products, which include fiber, oil, and seed. Hemp is refined into products such as hemp seed foods, hemp oil, wax, resin, rope, cloth, pulp, paper, and fuel.

Other variants of the herb Cannabis are widely used as a drug, commonly known as marijuana. These variants are typically low-growing and have higher content of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and other cannabinoids. The legality of Cannabis varies widely from country to country, and from state to state in the United States. In many countries regulatory limits for concentrations of psychoactive drug compounds, particularly THC, in hemp require the use of strains of the plant which are bred for low content.[1]
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Offline Zuma

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2015, 10:43:48 am »
Oh! OK I guess I asked for it. :o
I said any comments. :-\
I thought yall would read the title of the forum
and sorta keep things a little bit in that direction. :-*
Oh well. Horses and water. >:D
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Offline lebhuntfish

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2015, 11:02:54 am »
Zuma, I don't know much about hemp but it is a natural material. So I would not be afraid to us it. Now I'm not sure about a bow string. You would have to do several breaking test. I think It is cool and I would use it in any project that called for some type of cordage. Patrick
Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout!

Missouri, where all the best wood is! Well maybe not the straightest!

Building a bow has been the most rewarding, peaceful, and frustrating things I have ever made with my own two hands!

Offline Zuma

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2015, 11:14:15 am »
Zuma, I don't know much about hemp but it is a natural material. So I would not be afraid to us it. Now I'm not sure about a bow string. You would have to do several breaking test. I think It is cool and I would use it in any project that called for some type of cordage. Patrick

Cool, You and I are on the same page.
I just wonder about the folks that (roll their own)  ::)
feel about this. Kinda like it's made by machine so it's
not cool for abo.
Thanks Zuma
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Offline DC

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2015, 11:40:40 am »

Offline Pat B

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2015, 11:48:52 am »
Zuma, I use hemp cord for handle wraps. It is very strong but not uniform in diameter. I buy it from Wally World in a 1# ball and it comes in a light tan and a light brown color. I first started using hemp cordage on a bow I built that was spliced in the handle but also bends in the handle so the riser kept popping off. After beefing up the handle area a bit I wrapped it with hemp cord and saturated with Massey finish. The handle never popped off again and I now use it for most of my handle wraps.
 Hemp has been grown in the US since WWI. It was used for making rope. Now days it is used for all sorts of things from food to cloths like said above. This hemp was bred for its fibers, the other kind was bread for it's intoxicating resins.
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2015, 01:51:28 pm »

    Awww, Mannnnnn...... now I'm like real hungry!......


Offline Zuma

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2015, 02:07:33 pm »

    Awww, Mannnnnn...... now I'm like real hungry!......

Awwww, Mannnnn--- could you move this post up the page with Outbacks?? :) ;) :D
Zuma O:) lol

Pat Thanks,
I was going to tell you where I know there is tons of it growing wild.
Left over from the big time manufacturing stuff like you posted about.
But I see a market blooming for it right here before my eyes.
What you guys got for trade?? Oh, crap now my inbox is full up.
Zuma O:)
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Offline DC

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2015, 02:58:28 pm »
Snort!! You're on your game today ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: Hemp
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2015, 05:47:40 pm »
Zuma, I use hemp cord for handle wraps. It is very strong but not uniform in diameter. I buy it from Wally World in a 1# ball and it comes in a light tan and a light brown color. I first started using hemp cordage on a bow I built that was spliced in the handle but also bends in the handle so the riser kept popping off. After beefing up the handle area a bit I wrapped it with hemp cord and saturated with Massey finish. The handle never popped off again and I now use it for most of my handle wraps.
 Hemp has been grown in the US since WWI. It was used for making rope. Now days it is used for all sorts of things from food to cloths like said above. This hemp was bred for its fibers, the other kind was bread for it's intoxicating resins.

Hemp was banned from the US until this year. Colorado allows the growing of it. Some larger supplement companies that are based out of the US had to buy foreign grow hemp for protein powders until this year.
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