The logic of the question is breathtakingly flawed.
It follows, why make a bow when you can buy one?
It's about acquiring skill, understanding the wood, making connection with our ancestors, creation, artistry and simplifying back to basics where we can make and repair our own equipment.
I'm also on an archery forum where many are target archers shooting equipment the don't understand and don't know how to set up... they are striving for better performance by throwing money at the problem... I try and point them towards primitive bows, field shooting and making their own (with limited success

It's like the old story of the Texan oil billionaire who come across this old guy sitting by the river making a pair of moccasins. He says heck if you got all your family working together in an organised manner making those things, you could set up a business, earn a small fortune, retire and then you could do what you want.
The old boy looks at him and say, yeah, but I'm doing what I want right now....
I despair at your comment "the natural look is not lost". But you
know it's not natural... it's about being true. Heck why not just buy a bow and say you made it?
Sorry if I sound harsh, but it took me best part of 20 years to find a Yew stave to make my first decent ELB. The effort brings it's own reward.