I am building a take down static, lots of work in it. When I bent the static tips I got the usual cracking but this time it was deeper than I liked to deal with, I decided to build up the back side to compensate for the thin belly by using thin strips of osage and walnut.
I cut an extra slot in my bending jig to hold the end of my 1/8" lams.The bending jig is the same one I bent the statics in.

I have already glued on the first strip of osage and am putting the walnut strip on today. Time to start bending so the lam will fit the curve easily on the glue-up


A few added shims to tighten the lam against the curve of the jig.

Done bending the lam;

Because the limb is already rounded( I was going to make a straight limb bow and changed my mind) I need a bent clamp pad. I always use a Popsicle stick because it is soft and grabs the belly of a rounded bow tip. I bend the Popsicle stick to match the curve of the static.

I put a piece of paper between the Popsicle stick and the bow to keep the stick from gluing itself to the bow, makes cleanup easier. I clamp the ends first. I use a piece if edge grain pine for a clamp pad in the curve. It will break into several pieces and conform to the curve when I apply clamp pressure.

Done, You can see how the center clamp pad broke to conform to the curve. The tip overlay will be next.