i didnt wait. everythings been absolutely fine. from what i found, i did get a little extra weight to draw.
when i went hunting recently heres a couple of observations i made. it was cold at night and damp. at 5 am i strung up my bow. noticed 2 of the 4 arrows i took {shoot shaft arrows} had warped. 2 did not. the two that did not were also heat treated , bent very straight and left to cool. then deer fat and burnished until very shinny.the bow after being strung up 6 and a half hours had no set to speak of. it was toasted, as well as deer fat rubbed over it then burnished to a high gloss.so hindsight being what it is. from this point forward, if its a bow of white wood, its getting toasted. rubbed with fat and burnished. if its a shoot shaft arrow, same thing.just my observations of actually trying things and going out in not perfect weather and noting what happens. Tony