Life has been getting in the way of bow building...and I've got lazy too. I started this bow back in Jan. Fire season started Feb 15 and I put it aside because I usually work a lot of hours during that time. My oldest son's birthday is coming up on the 18th and due to not having any disposable income to spend with I figured I'd better get back on this bow. He's been bugging me for a long time to build him one even though, at 14, he has more bows, knives, guns, camo and all that stuff than I have had in my lifetime.
62" Ntn, 64 tpt. 1 3/4 wide to midlimb tapering to about 1/2 inch tips..maybe a shade wider. Meant to slim them down more and got carried away with other aspects during the build. Sugar Maple. Heat treated belly and removed some natural deflex in the top limb. 50 lb at 27.5" Started the finish out with 6 or so thin coats of Tru oil then ran out. Had some Waterlox left over from restoring my hardwood floor so I finished up with it. Rubbed in some paste wax too to cut down on the shine some. Keeping a good straight profile so far.
Used a wild turkey spur for rest, which was a challenge. I first used MT-13 epoxy (i think thats it) to epoxy it right on the side of the handle. It held up just fine during initial shooting. Then after I had a bunch of coats of finish on and piece of leather skived down really thing and glue on, it flew off LOL. I put a hole in the the leather strike plate and slide it over the spur and wrapped the cordage across it too. Had finish all over the leather, the wrap and everything before it flew off. So I tracked down a 1/4" forstner bit and drilled about 3/16' deep, took another spur and fitted it to the hole, and glued it in with titebond 3. Maybe it will hold. I've shot it a bunch since then and seems good. Here's some pics.