This weekend at the Salt Flats durring my two day practice session I shot 3 arrows from an unfinished bow just to warm up. Conditions were not the best and I had a slight cross wind. This bow was at best very average in performance as it had yet to have the tips thinned and yet to have its final heat treat and reflex applied. I sent a flight arrow between 370 and 380 yards, further than I have ever sent one. I can only attribute it to one thing, the handle was offset and the arrow made very little contact with the arrow pass. This is also confirmed looking at the bows by Josef which have been so effective at setting records in every class. In flight shooting we look for what works, some of the more subtle things we build into a bow can be hidden within its construction while other features are clearly visible.
I just now went and checked a bow I had set a record with a year or two ago, same problem, limbs were off center leaving more room for the arrow in the arrow pass. So fellow flightshooters, keep this in mind as we chase these records. It aint all about how fast it comes out of the bow as much as it is how clean it comes out of the bow. Once we get the clean releases down pat then we can start going back to the speed. None of the bows I have considered to be fast bows have never been successful with the light arrows. Always have problems with arrows kicking before they straighten out. I know where my attention will be focused on for next year!