Say that 5x fast!

Here's one I finished up a few weeks ago but couldn't get a full draw shot due to a shoulder injury.
Stave: Black locust from Paulie
Backing: Rawhide
Tips: Buffalo horn
Grip: Cork build up with black leather
String: 18 strand fury
specs: 62", 50# @ 27", limb width 1-1/4" to the fades and then skinny on down to the tips which are under 3/8", bow and backing were dyed with Black Rit dye then a couple coats of shellac and 10 coats of tung oil. Since I wanted everything blacked out, except the string accent and grip stitching I named her "Murdered". This bow will for sure see some action in a few weeks come hunting season!
The bow started life as a N/A style then morphed into a hunting bow. As always thanks for the inspiration, help, and smack talk to: Pearlie, Paulie, Greg, Cody and yes even Danny boy who I think gave me a cigar and beer (he's good for something!)