Author Topic: Compound(spits on the ground)  (Read 12759 times)

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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2015, 11:10:22 am »
Compounds have all the components and gadgets to take most of  the guesswork with form out of the equation.  A draw stop when you hit your draw length. That's the most solid anchor you can have ! The weight also drops. Then the peep sight to line up with your sight pins so your sight picture is also the same every time. Then you have a mechanical release to take most of our release woes out of the equation.  Then very fast arrow speeds and light arrows for flatter trajectories that are next to perfectly staight and each one identical.  Lots of stuff to minimize the impact of both human and material error which is so huge for self bow/arrow shooters

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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2015, 11:13:47 am »
The funny thing is, if something isn't working right, then there is no point in shooting. My buddies rubber tube that lined up his peep sight broke off so his peep sight didn't line up at full draw. His day was over right there. Had to send it back to the shop to get it fixed which took a week or two.

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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2015, 08:02:49 pm »
Compounds have all the components and gadgets to take most of  the guesswork with form out of the equation.  A draw stop when you hit your draw length. That's the most solid anchor you can have ! The weight also drops. Then the peep sight to line up with your sight pins so your sight picture is also the same every time. Then you have a mechanical release to take most of our release woes out of the equation.  Then very fast arrow speeds and light arrows for flatter trajectories that are next to perfectly staight and each one identical.  Lots of stuff to minimize the impact of both human and material error which is so huge for self bow/arrow shooters

All of the above takes control of the shot away from the archer and forces him to rely on the "bow". If he misses its probably the bows fault. This is why I call them arrow shooting machines rather than bows. But like I said, they do a good job when functioning properly.
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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2015, 08:32:47 pm »
Soooo much more to shooting wheelies than that. Yes they have 3-4 reference points, yes they have sights, yes they are lightning fast (which coincidentally amplifies tiny errors x10). You still have to keep your bow arm up and follow through every shot, you still have to have a clean release every shot, you still have to be on target every shot, your grip has to be perfect, the bows cant has t be perfect. Just because the gadgets are there doesn't mean it all falls into place with a snap of your fingers. It takes every bit as much concentration to shoot them consistently as it does stick bows, in their own regards. If you follow through, have a clean release and are on target with a stick bow you can smack targets all day to. Problem is, few of us get all that going on every shot. So we search for arrows in the weeds ;)

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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2015, 05:20:44 pm »
They quite literally shoot with training wheels xD pins, scoped dod sights, windage adjustments, bubble levels, trigers...damn near a rifle.


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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2015, 06:59:16 pm »
I'm sure your vast archery experience told you that. Or, you have read it too many times from other people who also never tried to get scary accurate with one.
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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2015, 08:54:11 pm »
All I'm saying is that there are a lot of things on a compound to smooth out the learning curve. I'm not saying someone can master the compound bow in a week and that getting scary accurate with one doesn't take dedication. I would argue it will take significantly less time to get 5 inch groups at 30 yards with a compound than with a self bow and self arrows.


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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2015, 09:29:42 pm »
Sorry, I just get testy. 30-06 rifles will dot "I"'s at a 1000 yards, but few rifleman can. That's my point.
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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2015, 01:43:35 pm »
They quite literally shoot with training wheels xD pins, scoped dod sights, windage adjustments, bubble levels, trigers...damn near a rifle.

I call them arm powered pistols


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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2015, 04:46:41 pm »
You haters shouldn't use the compound bows attributes as your excuse for poor instinctive shooting.
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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2015, 08:15:00 pm »
Be nice Chris.... :) ;)
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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2015, 07:45:40 am »
Well dangit Bill! if a guy hasn't done it, don't tell me how easy it is!
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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2015, 08:37:46 am »
I have done it and it ant as easy as some make it sound, that is for sure, BUT it does take less time and practice to master [if you ever mater it] than shooting a self bow instinctively, especially at longer distance. ;)  I have nothing against compounds , to each there own, now cross bows in my bow season, WELL just don't get me started or in line muzzle loaders in the our primitive season , no problem using them just keep um in riffle season where the be lone.  >:( Get out the pop corn. ;) ;D ;D ;D   
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Offline Danzn Bar

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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #28 on: August 20, 2015, 08:02:47 pm »
Well dangit Bill! if a guy hasn't done it, don't tell me how easy it is!
:) I'm with ya buddy  ;)
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Re: Compound(spits on the ground)
« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2015, 08:39:27 pm »
I have never shot a modern compound bow so I don't know what is involved in becoming an accurate shot with one.  I was witness to something last year that was an eye opener for me.  My father-in-law decided that he would bow hunt some after about a five year break from it.  We were going to shoot a little bit before the season started.  He opened this huge hard case and withdrew his compound bow.  He walked out and shot five arrows into a two inch group at about thirty-five yards without a warm up.  His next group was a little tighter.   I was impressed.  It takes daily practice for me to do that at 15 yards.....  I don't know what he went through to attain that kind of ability, but it sure wasn't hard for him to get ready for the next season.   ;)  The only thing he was concerned about was being strong enough to pull it back the first half of the draw after such a long lay off.  I was only jealous a little while.  His rig cost well over a thousand dollars and I entered the woods with a grand total of maybe 75 cents worth of B-50 as a total investment.  I killed a deer that day and somehow he did not.   ;D  The cheap skate in me loves stuff like that.    There are so few archery hunters of any description entering our ranks that I am glad to see anyone getting into hunting. Whatever a person chooses to use that is a legal weapon suits me just fine.  I know what rings my tuning fork, but to each his own.   I just pray that our hunting traditions don't suffer the same fate as they have in some other places in the world. 
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