I was waiting for somone to visit to collect a bow and I didn't want to start on anything serious as I have some new flooring to lay at the weekend (I'd done pretty well stalling the job for 3 years

Then I saw this stave of cherry that I'd cut from a near dead standing tree years ago, there is some bug damage on the sapwood side.
I thought it was just right for a short experimental Molly... I've been putting off making a Molly for about 20 years

Anyhow, 'cos of the bug damage I'm having the central pith running down the back of the bow

This could well explode on me, as I'm planning to push it hard, to see how far it will chuck an arrow. I'm going for 40 maybe 50# at 24"
Maybe I'll back it with rawhide, Hickory, Hazel or Ash... dunno
What does the team think?
Should I video the tillering in slo-mo for when it goes bang?
On the plus side the stave was roughed out square, so it's a bit of a cookie cutter job and the wood cuts beautifully so it's a quick fun have-a-go bow.
Any thoughts, ideas?