Author Topic: ? about nock overlay material  (Read 9008 times)

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Offline Pat B

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2015, 11:18:42 pm »
Why do you assume that what nature lays at your feet is a gift for you. It is nature itself. Without respecting all nature we threaten ourselves. Unfortunately we have to have laws to protect nature and ourselves or it would all go to...well, back to nature.  ;)
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Dakota Kid

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2015, 11:23:07 pm »
I don't pick up every thing I step over, but there have been times where it was clear it was intended for me. If I take something I shouldn't have, I tend to realize it rather quickly. ;)
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Offline Dakota Kid

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2015, 11:30:27 pm »
If I take something I leave something (an offering) in it's place. I neglected to mention that because it's not a common practice, but to some it's extremely important.

I've rather enjoyed the discussion thus for thanks Pat.
I have nothing but scorn for all weird ideas other than my own.
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Offline alwayslookin

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2015, 11:34:27 pm »
I was referring to it being stupid in the sense of picking a shed feather off the ground. I love birds of prey and have been fascinated by them since I was old enough to read. Maybe that came out wrong. I picked up many feathers when I was young because I thought they were cool and loved my Indian heritage. Now say I was to get in trouble because I picked up a feather and didn't know the laws nothing in my conscience said to me that this was wrong I was merely fascinated by it and wanted to keep the memory. That is stupid to me. Our country goes back on our laws all the time and uses loop holes to do things that any normal citizen would be put in prison for but to the person in a point of power  it goes by without a hitch. That is stupid to me. That's my point we are allowed to have opions correct?
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Offline make-n-break

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2015, 11:44:40 pm »
Negligence won't hold up when the game warden nabs ya! Here's one I was always tought: "Bird of prey, let it lay!"
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Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2015, 01:01:49 am »
There are still 26 reported poached eagles in the US every year. So people DO still kill them. There are laws because if there weren't , there would be more. Perhaps it is different elswere is the country, but here there are a lot of unethical "hunters". Sadly these people learn young and no one busts their behinds and teaches them right from wrong. Utah has 209 cases of poaching protected wildlife per year. That is again, only the ones that get reported.
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Offline Spotted Dog

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2015, 09:17:42 am »
I do not think religion has anything to do with it. But they were here first and grandfathered in as far as posision.
I remember farmers talking about killing every hawk they could to protect their chickens. People being people cause
trouble for others who care. If you hunt and make a clean kill, respect that animals life by not wasting it.
Laws of the land are there to protect those who can not themselves. (animals)

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Offline Pat B

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2015, 10:17:28 am »
I'm not trying to bust anyone's hump. We go through this conversation a few times each year. Being that we all use natural materials in this hobby of ours it is up to us to let everyone involved know what we can use and what we shouldn't use. Like many of you guys I also pick up feathers, etc. while walking in our woods. I know not to use them for anything but I do admire their beauty but even simple possession is illegal.
  Even if you didn't know about the law(s), ignorance of the law is no excuse in the eyes of the law. Look up the laws and read them to educate yourself so you can help others when they deal with the situation. Because we do deal with natural materials it is up to us to educate ourselves to the laws and to help educate others getting into our hobby.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline bubbles

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2015, 11:17:44 am »
These types of "illegal possession" laws extend to many other species and parts of species to prevent poaching. In ontario,I believe black bear gallbladders must be left on the carcass of the bear. Even if you hunt and kill a bear, you can't take that part.  There is just no way to prove it was from a legally killed bear. 

Offline TimothyR

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2015, 01:26:30 pm »
Without laws and rules chaos would ensue!
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Offline bowmo

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2015, 01:43:37 pm »
I do what I want with natural materials. I have tons of shed red tail hawk feathers and some arrows fletched with them. Do what you want with them just know what the consequences can be. Could def make tip overlays.

Offline Dakota Kid

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2015, 02:01:14 pm »
I'm fairly new to the site, I was unaware that the horse I was beating was already deceased. I still have a few whacks left in me though so you'll have to forgive me. We all know how hard it is to stop whacking before you've finished. :laugh:

With re guard to special benefits based on race alone, I feel the same way I do about discriminating based on race. It's all racism plain and simple. It's about time we let that nonsense go. There's no point in holding onto guilt and animosity that was caused by actions that happened centuries ago. The meat sacks our souls currently reside in have no bearing on what we are deprived from or entitled to. Actions are the only true measure of character.

When it boils down to it, I am willing to answer to my creator for all of my actions. Man's law is not nature's law, and only one of those is a true concern for me. Even our court system recognizes natural law to some extent and it trumps man's law in those instances.

They pass new laws and restrictions all the time, but rarely lift them. It's tolerable now, but will it stay that way? I'd hate to see it get to the point where we may be forced into using all man made materials, or worse yet, possession of anything not purchased from a store is illegal. Be sure to save your receipts I guess.

Bowmo: I agree, but Shhhh..... The consequences are More likely to find you, the more people know what your actions are.
Tim: Entropy is ever increasing. Don't fear chaos, it's inevitable. From a physics stand point anyway.
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Offline bowmo

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2015, 02:09:43 pm »
Just say they are from a know how many DNR could tell the dif...none. I have lots of arrows fletched with sand hill crane feather I traded for at a Mojam like 10 years ago. If any one asks I just say they are Canada goose...

Offline Pat B

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2015, 02:34:52 pm »
This isn't a racial preference thing. It is all about the rights and beliefs of the First Nation, ie. Native Americans. There are things that are sacred to them and at least this is one we(our government) allow and we should respect them(NA) for it.
 Breaking man's laws would also break your Creators laws if you know them well enough.
Beating a dead horse is up to you. It makes no difference to me. If you want to let the world(through the internet) know of the laws you break, so be it. All we are trying to do here on PA is inform. Whether or not you listen is your choice.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Joec123able

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Re: ? about nock overlay material
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2015, 02:59:29 pm »
I honestly wouldn't care if it's legal or not, what are the odds of someone seeing your tip overlays and saying wow those are illegal? Probably wouldn't even happen. Go for it!
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