Author Topic: Best books for yew English longbow making?  (Read 5029 times)

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Offline ajba9009

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Best books for yew English longbow making?
« on: July 09, 2015, 01:05:46 pm »
Hey everyone, I'm new here in the forum and would love some advice! I've visited this site a good bit in the past when making my Cherokee flatbows but I recently bought a beautiful yew stave and I'm in the process of shaping her into a bow I can use to hunt with traditionally. I have had a hard time finding a good book at the library about making specifically yew bows, and was wondering if any of you had any suggestions? I saw on here that the bowyers bible volume 1 had a good section on yew bows, but does anyone have any additional resources in mind?

Also, I would love to know what tools you guys are using. So far I've used a drawknife and a hand planer, and I'm about to get down to a spokeshave and finally a hand rasp. I saw a cool video in French on YouTube of a guy making a bow with traditional tools and he had this small, thin, square piece of metal that he was using to make very precise shavings, anybody know what this is? Thanks for all the help, I look forward to hearing back.

Offline Del the cat

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Re: Best books for yew English longbow making?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2015, 01:53:44 pm »
It's probably a cabinet scraper.
At risk of sounding cocky you should have a look at my blog (just google bowyers diary).
I show the whole process from start to finish and there is probably more detail than in many books. Mind you'll have to search for it.
There's a 80# Yew English Longbow started here:-
You can follow it through the whole build, right up to my post today where it's almost finished and is being shot (you see an arrow strike the target)...
There's loads of stuff about cabint scrapers and how to put a burr on them on you tube.
basically they are ground, filed or sanded dead square on the edges. The edge is then rubbed really had with a piece of hard steel rod to form a burred over edge. I use the shaft of a big old screwdriver.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 01:59:38 pm by Del the cat »
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Offline bubby

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Re: Best books for yew English longbow making?
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2015, 02:43:58 pm »
Cocky or not mr cat's blog is pretty informative, if i ever happen onto a yew stave thats the first place I'll visit
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