Hi Guys.
It`s been a while since I`ve posted something so here`s a story for ya`all.
The bowyer virus grew strong in the past year. Mainly due to that fact I`ve been shooting the same bow all this time. I really wanted
a new bow, something that would pack more punch and look a bit fancier then my trusty WOBI flatbow. All of the bow`s I built
during this year were not to my satisfaction.
About 2 months ago, I picked up a nice piece of ipe and decided to make a reflex reflex BBI. Sadly I don`t have a belt sander
and I was too lazy to flatten the bamboo by hand, so I used white oak as a backing instead. Tillering went o.k until I heard the
"CRACK" (you know what I`m talking about). The backing lift a splinter but fortunately the ipe remained intact.
Since I really wanted to complete this bow I decide to use the piece of bamboo I have...
Much to my surprise, flattening it was pretty fast using a sharp spokeshave and a rough sand paper. Once that was done, I removed the white oak from the ipe.
I heated the bow over my stove and once the glue melted I used my drawknife to remove the backing.... peels like a banana...

Cleaned Up the ipe, glued the bamboo, tillered the bow (had some string alignment issues but got over it) and here she is...
67" tip to tip
Bamboo backed ipe
A Mulberry piece with sapwood and heartwood for the handle + leather wrap
Upper limb is just under an inch longer
My best shooter yet, smooth draw, hits hard and fast (even with my heavy fiberglass arrows....) and although not flawless, she`s my best looker....

And the money shot...

I`ve learned a lot from this build about dealing with problems but the most important lesson was to never give up hope...